by Rick Baker
On Mar 19, 2013
When it comes to business, the words ‘Mission Statement’ have proven to be poor and confusing.
An army unit can have a mission – “Take That Hill”.

Caring people can have a mission – “Help those folks get access to clean drinking water”.

Businesses can have a mission – “Build That Bridge”.

And, in all cases the people could make statements…and call those things ‘Mission Statements’.
But, somehow, businesses got off on a bad path. Someone started using the word ‘mission’ to replace the word ‘purpose’…or, even worse, to expand upon the word ‘purpose’. Regardless, it was an unfortunate mistake that many business people have struggled with since the idea of ‘Mission Statements’ came into vogue.
The realities are:
- Most business people do not understand what the words ‘Mission Statement’ mean and they argue about the definition,
- Most business people do not share an agreed-upon definition of ‘Mission Statement’. A review of on-line posted Mission Statements proves this: Mission Statements range from tag lines to procedures manuals, &
- When the Mission Statement gets much longer than “Take That Hill” most people cannot remember the point let alone talk or walk in its direction.
Instead of using words like ‘Mission Statement’ - that better fit business assignments and projects – businesses should stick with words like ‘Purpose’.
This makes sense:
- when the words ‘Mission Statement’ actually mean ‘Purpose’,
- when the words ‘Mission Statement’ are being used to expand upon or amplify another statement which is called ‘Purpose’, and
- in all other business situations.
‘Purpose’ is a fine, well-recognized, easy-to-understand word. And, it is enough.
So, businesses should not have Mission Statements.