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Thought Tweet #707

by Rick Baker
On Apr 2, 2013

Thought Tweet #707 "There's a time and a place"...that's about SituationsHow to be and how not to be in situations, that is the question.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We have been taught and we have learned this. So we adjust our behaviour to fit our perception of Situations. Put another way - Situations provide a container for behaviour and our behaviour flows from one situation-container to the next situation-container to the next situation-container and so on.

All of us act like actors. We act all day long...adjusting to the time and the place...adjusting to the situation. Each of us plays a number of roles. Real-life situations are snapshots of scenes...the types of scenes we see acted out in plays, movies, and TV shows. Scenes contain people and process. The scripts embedded in our heads define the way we will act in given situations. We can accept those scripts or we can re-write them. We have that choice. We can decide how we want to act in given situations...even the most-challenging situations. We have choices.

How to be and how not to be in situations, that is the question.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Humour | Thought Tweets

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