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Thought Tweet #765

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2013

Thought Tweet #765 Multi-tasking: Somehow, successful people 'get it'...naturally. Others require much self-discipline & practice. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

‘Tools’ are required. 'Atmosphere' is required. 'Support' is required. 'Mentoring' is ideal. And, there is more...

In any event, task-multiing is better than multi-tasking.

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Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

Comments (8) -

6/22/2013 9:00:39 AM #


What's your definition of:
- multi-tasking
- And task-multiing?


rick baker
6/22/2013 9:51:34 PM #


Thanks for asking...

First - the way I use them, both words refer to processes/actions done by people [not machines].

Multi-tasking is doing [or trying to do] a number of different tasks at one time.

Task-multiing is doing one thing so well it can either be repeated for profit or used to accomplish more than one goal...or both.


6/25/2013 9:54:57 AM #

Thanks Rick

Sounds like process engineering. A process is a technology in my opinion.

So, did you mean to say that we get so 'busy' (multi-tasking) doing the things we do or are supposed to do. That we lose the real meaning for what we 'should be doing' (task-multiing) in the first place?


rick baker
6/25/2013 8:34:16 PM #

Yes, Adeel.

And, there is more...

We do not multi-task well...or, at least, most people do not. When we multi-task we slice time & actions up to meet the multiple tasks. We shift attention. We focus, initiate, stop, shift, re-focus, re-initiate, etc. For a number of reasons, people's brains have trouble doing that.

We do the wrong things...when we are multi-tasking, much of the time we are doing things that are a waste of time. By 'waste of time' I mean things that do not take us toward our goals. By Spirited definition, those things are Bad Habits.

While we are wasting our time on excessive [multi-tasking] things or struggling with multi-tasking in general, we are not concentrating on activity that can be repeated for profit or can be used to serve multiple purposes. i.e., Many people are too busy multi-tasking to perform task-multiing so they miss many opportunities.

That's why I say task-multiing is better than multi-tasking.

[It’s also explains why successful people have more time…but, that’s another Thought Post.]


6/27/2013 7:54:50 AM #

Thank you for the detailed response here.

I'm really interested in knowing about this system.  "...activity that can be repeated for profit or can be used to serve multiple purposes."

Are you referring to auto-suggestion? Or is this something else?

Thanks again

P.s: It seems like the "notify me when new comments are added" section is not working as anticipated. Just thought I'd let you know.

rick baker
6/29/2013 8:34:54 PM #


When I say Task-multiing, I mean it in the broadest sense.

As examples:

* When a person writes an intelligent note and sends it to a friend that`s tasking...when a person posts an intelligent note and it is read by many that is task-multiing

* When we create a tool for one client that is tasking...when we create a 1-Page Tool that will help many clients that`s task-multiing

* When we create an amazing process for our business that`s tasking...when we create that same process and present it to our clients, suppliers, and business allies to help their businesses that`s task-multiing

* When we help a client develop their marketing plan that`s tasking...when we employ our Clients` Clients philosophy that`s task-multiing

Clients` Clients Philosophy is an exquisite form of task-multiing because it generates win-win-win...and only win. It is special because it isn`t about building-it-once-and-selling-it-many-times (which qualifies as a form of task-multiing). Rather, Clients` Clients is about doing one thing that has multiple valuable consequences, helping multiple parties.

7/4/2013 5:52:13 AM #


Got it

thanks Rick!

rick baker
8/27/2013 4:44:18 PM #

Task-multiing is about doing something once then benefiting from it many times.

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