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Link your Goals to Actions...Measure Actions & Build Motivation

by Rick Baker
On Jul 16, 2013



Leaders succeed when they know how to set clear Goals, describing the Vital Results they desire. In some cases Vital Results could be as narrowly focused on a single thing that drives the business’s economic engine. For most businesses 5 Vital Results is enough.  In no cases are more than 7 Vital Results required. Focus is essential for 2 reasons: (1) to reflect the way the 80/20 Rule applies and (2) to keep it simple.

Leaders succeed when they establish ways to Measure performance of the right things at the right times…like the Vital Signs used in the medical profession to ensure the most-important things are covered.

In business, Vital Signs cover timely measurement of Vital Behaviours, the most-important Actions that bring about achievement of Goals. Like Goals, the number of Vital Behaviours must be minimized. Very few Actions are Vital to the achievement of a Goal. Leaders must hone their focus on the few Actions that determine whether or not a Goal will be achieved. Ideally, the focus can be reduced to one Vital Action for each Goal.

With desired Results and desired Actions clarified, the leader must influence behaviour. The key is leadership influence that sets the framework so people are intrinsically rewarded when they do the desired Actions…so they enjoy doing the Actions. Then people will be self-motivated and both Vital Actions and Vital Results will be maximized.


80/20 Rule | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Measure & Monitor

Comments (7) -

rick baker
7/27/2013 12:15:07 PM #

"By their own actions, not their words, do leaders establish the morale, integrity and sense of justice of their subordinate commanders. They cannot say one thing and do another."

Wess Roberts
'Leadership Secrets of Attila The Hun' (1985/2009 audio)

rick baker
8/12/2013 11:50:11 PM #

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."

Theodore Roosevelt

rick baker
4/26/2014 6:23:15 PM #

"I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts."

John Locke

English Philosopher, 1632-1704

rick baker
9/24/2015 9:18:42 PM #

"Let no one be deluded that a knowledge of the path can substitute for putting one foot in front of the other."

Mary Caroline Richards
American Poet and Potter, (1916-1999)

rick baker
11/7/2015 5:00:39 PM #

"Deciding when and where you're going to do something will dramatically increase the likelihood you'll follow through."

Alice Boyes, Psychologist & Author
'The Anxiety Toolkit', 2015

rick baker
6/5/2016 2:28:20 PM #

"Please stop waiting for a map. We reward those who draw maps not those who follow them."

Todd Henry
'Die Empty', (2014)

rick baker
10/12/2016 8:34:21 PM #

"Action cures fear."

David J.  Schwartz
'The Magic of Thinking BIG' (1959…2015)

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