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An Equation for Trouble

by Rick Baker
On Sep 6, 2013

Control is the root of most disagreements. Control of people's behaviour is one major area. Control of money is another. Many interpersonal problems have roots in these two control areas.

People want to feel in control. People know they lack self-control and, with choices limited, they learn how to live with that. And, they have their hands full living with their internal battles around self-control.

No wonder they react so poorly to others who try to complicate things by injecting more control.

Struggling with Self-Control + an Injection of 3rd-party Control = An Equation for Trouble!

I mean 'live and let live'...cut me some slack...already.

That's what most people appear to feel and think most of the time. All of us feel and think that way some of the time.

So, when an unsuspecting 3rd party, say our boss, happens to step into our world and tries to foist controls on us...well, that's an Equation for Trouble

And, we are more than prepared to deliver that Trouble and deliver it firmly and quickly. Or, perhaps we will deliver it subtly and silently...or maybe we will use the old behind-the-back approach?

We have many more options for delivering the solution [the Trouble solution, that is]. We can do flights and we can do fights. We can be overt and we can be covert. We can be clear and we can be vague. We can be singular and we can be plural...we will not forget 'misery enjoys company' and we can help our Trouble find lots of company if we so choose.

Delivering the Trouble solution - what a wonderful distraction from our internal self-control battles.


So many options for delivering Trouble to the people who try to control us...and...so little time.


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