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On Execution: There's 2 ways to get things done in business

by Rick Baker
On Nov 18, 2013

There are two ways to get things done in business: self-selection/direction & mastered delegation.

Some people are natural-born self-selectors/directors. Often, they are Achievers, Activators, & Executioners...and sometimes workaholics.

Other people are not. Often, they are Futurists, Visionaries, & Ideationists...and sometimes procrastinators.

One big problem in business: these opposites find themselves trying to work together.

Another big problem in business: sometimes these opposites do not find themselves trying to work together!

Comments (1) -

rick baker
10/10/2016 8:16:50 PM #

"The best companies have designed processes that focus on the following aspects of execution:
Planning, Scheduling and Approval: avoiding late or inadequate planning, lack of sequence and scheduling, and unclear or overly iterative approval processes;
Standardization and Automation: minimizing variation and maximizing efficiency;  
Role Clarity and Scalability: ensuring coordination and consolidation of key functions for critical mass and the reuse of assets and information;
In-house Expertise: building and maintaining expertise and properly deploying scarce resources;
Sourcing and Geographic Distribution: pursuing the proper use of outsourcing and off shoring with the right level of oversight; and
Metrics, Monitoring and Feedback: maintaining transparency on costs and other metrics, and actively monitoring to drive responsive feedback loops."

Rotman Management (Fall 2016) - The Disruptive Issue
'The Worlds Best Innovators: 4 Things That Differentiate Them',
Michael Ringel, Andrew Taylor and Hadi Zablit

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