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Seek First To Understand People Who Do Not Understand Themselves

by Rick Baker
On Dec 30, 2013

Yes, Covey taught Seek First To Understand.

Good advice!

But, as you follow that advice, do not be confused. In general, people do not understand themselves. Well, they sort of understand themselves...but they really do not understand themselves. The have vague notions about their goals, their deepest desires, their talents & strengths, and many other fundamentally-important things.

You don't agree...


Prove it.

Prove you understand yourself...

  • State your definite purpose in life...your vivid vision
  • State your personal values
  • State the unique value proposition you bring to the workplace
  • State the things you will do that other people will not do
  • State what "Integrity" means to you and how you illustrate it
  • State how you go about "Influencing" people
  • State how you go about building a trusting relationship
  • State the things people can rely on you to do 100% of the time
These are just some of the areas where people show others, day after day, they have only a vague understanding of themselves.
Why do people only have a vague understanding of themselves?
Here are a few of the main reasons:
  • Most people think things like, "I don't have time" and "I'm too busy". Even worse, they say these things out loud and share them with other people. With these thoughts and words they proclaim their limitations to the world and they brainwash themselves into hectic lives...lives far too hectic for introspection and self-knowledge.
  • Most people have not been taught how to understand themselves. When in school, most people studied math, language, science, history, etc. Most people did not study the mechanisms of self-monitoring, self-analysis, self-knowledge, etc. 
  • Many, if not most, people choose mind-numbing entertainment over thinking

Yes - Seek First To Understand.

And, start with self.

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