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We grow when we...

by Rick Baker
On Jan 8, 2014

We know Situations hold power over People.

As a general rule, it is more accurate to say Situations hold power over People than to say People hold power over Situations. It's a social psychology thing...mob behaviour, laughing at the boss' jokes, 'trapped' in bad relationships, etc.

At the very least, it is prudent to give The Power of Situations attention and respect. Those who ignore The Power of Situations, either intentionally or unintentionally, indeed lead difficult lives and face never-ending strings of challenging interactions with other people.

Considering this, how do we grow?

I mean, how do we grow our character we bring to our businesses or how do we grow the value we bring to our business tables?

It seems to me...

  1. We grow when we use Good Habits in new Situations. 
  2. We grow when we try New Things in new Situations.
  3. We grow when we do New Things in old/familiar Situations.

These 3 things are how we grow.

PS: We 'hold our ground' when we do Good Habits in old/familiar Situations.

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