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Shall We Fail or Shall We Succeed?

by Rick Baker
On Apr 7, 2014

Some people buy in when other people suggest things will fail.

I choose to reject this buying into others' failure mindsets.

Some people doubt other people when they say things will succeed.

I choose to reject this buying into others' failure mindsets.

Wait...there's a pattern developing here...here's a pattern taking shape around the rejection of failure mindsets.

I don't think the pattern has been induced by rampant optimism. I am sure I didn't get both snippets for the optimism gene.

I don't think the pattern has been induced by personal biases...on the other hand, isn't that the exactly what a sufferer of Confirmation Bias or Overconfidence Effect would think!

In any event, I am familiar with both sides of the coin. I've been critical of ideas, both my ideas and other people's ideas. And, I have been enthused by ideas, both my ideas and other people's ideas. Like everyone who has lived and spent some time thinking while that happened, I have familiarity with a wide range of mindsets on the depressing-pessimistic-to-manic-optimistic continuum. 

My comfort zone is operating in the mid-range of that broad continuum. 

I see my ideas and views, whether they are positive or negative vis-a-vis other's views, as realistic.

So, when people make it clear they feel I am overly optimistic I choose to reject their opinion and I stick with my own.


Shall we fail or shall we succeed?

Shall we buy in when others tell us we will fail?

Shall we buy in when others tell us we will succeed? 

It is all a matter of feelings, thought, and choice.


Law of Attraction - some go way too far with that thinking.

Abundance versus Scarcity mindsets - tough to see value in joining the Scarcity side.

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