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How to improve your capacity to learn

by Rick Baker
On Nov 5, 2014

Here are some of the Ways To Improve Your Capacity To Learn:

1.    Focus On Seeking Specialized Knowledge: Set aside time to obtain knowledge required to achieve your goals. Book time into your calendar. 

2.    Seek knowledge Internally: Solidify in your mind what you believe, with certainty, to be facts then use deductive reasoning to add pieces of knowledge, expanding your linked-network of specialized, clear knowledge...picture it growing like clear crystals grow. This is your Crystalline Knowledge. Or, if you prefer, imagine your neurons - all those axons, dendrites, & synapses - making hard-wired connections...building your Neuronal Network of Specialized Knowledge.

3.    Seek Knowledge Externally: 'Borrow Brilliance' from others...select technical experts, role models, and Heroes and blend their knowledge and wisdom with your thoughts.

4.    Open Your Mind To Patterns: Allow your intuition a free reign. Then attend and use it to expand your Crystalline Knowledge.

5.    Pay Attentions To Nuances: Devils and other magical things lie in the details; also, good things come in small packages. You can store vast quantities of this important nuance-knowledge ininvisible packages, in your mind, which you can open on demand.

6.    Look for Opportunities hiding within Problems: as the saying goes, “Opportunity rides on the wings of adversity”. Practice P=2S+O, for every Problem it is easy to come up with at least 2 Solutions…and, often, Opportunities are hiding within or riding on the wings of Problems


Solutions & Opportunities | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

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