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Problems playing along the path to Success

by Rick Baker
On Jun 8, 2015

Everyone has problems. And most people struggle to solve their problems. One thing seems clear: if we do not change the way we think and act then we will not improve our ability to solve our problems. That's simple enough to say. It can be very difficult to implement.

We must change the way we think and act if we want to improve our ability to solve our problems. We have no other option. That's our only option. That's what we must embrace if we truly want to solve or manage our problems.

And, as we do that, we must understand - as we change our thinking change in our actions will follow.

As we solve our problems new problems will arrive to replace the ones we have solved. At least that's the way it will seem to us. That's the nature of the human mindset, it not the human condition. Perhaps, you think I am wrong about that? Perhaps, it is the nature of my mindset and the mindset of people like me rather than the nature of the human condition? 

Regardless, once problems catch my attention I often feel a need to solve them. And, for certain types of problems the need to solve them grabs me and I must tackle them. If succeed in solving them then I step ahead and prepare to solve the next problem in the queue. If, on the other hand, I fail to solve the problem then I accept I must change my thinking and my next action.

The way I see it, that's the way of problems.

The way I see it, that’s the way of business and life.

The way I see it, that’s the way problems play along the path to success.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Solutions & Opportunities

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