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Willpower converts mind-energy into Achievement

by Rick Baker
On Aug 31, 2015

For achievement, three qualities of mind rise above the others: intelligence, drive, and self-control.

There are two types of intelligence: cognitive and emotional.

Drive is all about energy...required to sustain thought, action, and 'the body'.

Self-control draws on the decisions of intelligence and the energy stoked by drive...self-control is about self-direction of thought and the actions that follow thought.

Willpower is a synonym for self-control*.

Willpower is elite mind-work…challenging mind-work.

Willpower converts mind-energy into Achievement.

Achievement is subjective. Achievement provides the measuring stick for Success. Each person uses his or her intelligence to define the Achievement required to obtain the Success he or she desires. This applies to individual/single tasks. This also applies to long-term goals. Willpower may or may not be called upon to perform individual/single tasks: for enjoyable tasks [such as hobbies] little or no willpower is required; for challenging tasks willpower will be used to expand and maintain concentration; for boring tasks willpower will be used to improve focus and concentration.

Willpower will definitely be called upon to achieve long-term goals. In summary:

  • We use our intelligence to create our long-term goals
  • We draw on the our drive energy to fuel the thought and action required to meet our long-term goals
  • We call upon willpower/self-control to direct our thoughts and actions toward our long-term goals

When we call upon our willpower it consumes energy, converting mind-energy into Achievement and, over time, into Success.

To achieve long-term goals we must attend to our energy levels: taking steps to build it, taking steps to avoid things that waste it, and taking steps to ensure a good portion of it goes to fuel willpower.


*  Some describe willpower in terms of 'soul' and 'spirit'. Not wanting to dwell too much in the metaphysical...there is no question willpower is a special thing, closely tied to the human condition.

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