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Working In Ihe Zone - Bolstering Your Willpower

by Rick Baker
On Sep 7, 2015

When you are 'in the zone', using your natural talents, your willpower is able to take a time out, rest, and rejuvenate. When you are 'in the zone', focus, attention, and concentration come easily to you so you do not need to draw upon your willpower to sustain productive thoughts or productive action. 

You may have difficulty pinpointing your true talents...many people do. 

On the other hand, most people have no trouble knowing when they are 'in the zone'...or, conversely, when they are 'not in the zone'.

When we are 'in the zone' time seems to pass more quickly. When we are 'in the zone' the routes to goals are clearer - thoughts align, actions fall into place naturally, and desired results just happen. When we are 'in the zone' our minds are free from worries and other negative thoughts. 

When we are 'in the zone' we use energy most efficiently and effectively - this applies to both energy for thought and energy for action.

When we are 'in the zone' we give our willpower a time out...we provide it time to rest and recuperate from all the energy it consumes when we are not 'in the zone' [i.e., when we are plodding our way through tedious work, clawing and scratching our way though meaningless battles, etc.]

If we want to use our energy efficiently and effectively then we must maximize the time we spend 'in the zone'. To accomplish this we must understand our talents and ensure we set aside enough time for them to find themselves in action 'in the zone'.



'In The Zone' = Flow

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