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The Joy(?) of Business Stress & Struggle

by Rick Baker
On Sep 24, 2015

Many people appear to enjoy the day-to-day struggles of business. We see them choosing to fight the same battles, repeating the same struggles over and over. Sometimes, they repeat the same interpersonal battles, day after day: battling the same people; arguing about the same topics; using the same [losing] combat strategies and tactics - giving no ground, gaining no ground.

Stresses run high during these repeat battles, in some situations to almost unbearable heights. Regardless, the battles rage on and on and on…repeating themselves over and over and over.

Many people seek no help to put an end to these battles. 

Many people refuse help when it is offered.

Many people choose to remain on the interpersonal battlefield…accepting the status quo, accepting the useless struggles, and accepting the resulting business failures.


Why do business people choose to fight the same battles over and over and over?  Are they simply brutes for punishment?  Do they believe there are no better ways? Or, do they derive gratification from such experiences? Do they enjoy dragging others into the battles, killing energy and killing success-spirit?

Do you have any of these people at your business?

If so – what are you doing about it?


What are you doing to ensure your business is not bogged down in personality-challenged battles?


Personalities @ Work | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

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