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Wouldn’t you like to possess Placebo Empowerment?

by Rick Baker
On Jan 29, 2016

Most people accept the fact placebo medications sometimes/often bring about improvements in patients’ medical conditions. Somehow, the process of receiving a medication from a professional helps patients overcome illness…even if the medication is a placebo, i.e., a ‘fake’ medication. For the placebo to work, something has happened in the patient’s mind. The patient, either consciously or subconsciously or [likely] both believes the medication will work.

And, the psychologists’ conclusion is: the mind has the power to promote self-healing.

Or, at last, some people’s minds have the ability to promote self-healing. If they believe a pill will help them then the pill helps them…even if the pill is a fake.

Now, isn’t that interesting. That conclusion jives with Napoleon Hill’s teaching: “What the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve.” It jives with ‘The Law of Attraction’ [whether or not you believe The Law of Attraction has limitations].

This brings to mind the quote, attributed to Henry Ford –

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.

A Placebo update -

According to recent psychologist-authors, the power of the placebo goes beyond the points presented above. Here’s what new research has confirmed:

  • when ill people are not aware they are receiving a placebo pill, some of them improve as if they had received a proven-successful drug [i.e., as described above]
  • when ill people are told they are receiving a placebo pill, that has no proven ability to do anything to help their illness, they too improve as if they had received a proven-successful drug

In the first situation…the mind conceives and believes the pill will work then helps the body achieve improved health

In the second situation…then mind suspends belief that the pill has no curing power then proceeds to conceive, believe the pill will work and help the body achieve improved health

Now, isn’t that even more interesting!


Can you conceive the power of your mind?

Do you believe your mind can help your body?

What would you like your mind to help your body achieve? For work? For play? For life?


Wouldn’t you like to possess Placebo Empowerment?


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Brain: about the Human Brain

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