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Decadence & Confidence

by Rick Baker
On May 2, 2016

Are we spoiled rotten?

Is our self-absorption reducing our ability to succeed?

Is our expectation of kindness killing our ability to be competitive?

When I use the word "decadence", my thoughts are much closer to Nietzsche than President's Choice. I'm thinking of two types of people: those with resilient, vibrant, 'living' self-confidence and others with a shortage of that ingrained self-confidence. I'm thinking there is a mix of these two types of people, with the truly confident people being outnumbered by those who are not truly confident. This 'imbalance' creates a natural tension between the two groups...each trying to exert its influence on the other. And, when the influence of those lacking confidence shifts the balance away from confidence the equilibrium is distorted as decadence sets in. 

This is a 'societal phenomenon', affecting all levels of community: nations, tribes, cities, communes, families...and businesses.

Every business has a 'confidence factor'.

Some businesses are founded on confidence: self-confidence in individuals, confidence in relationships and teams, confidence in products and services, confidence in leadership...confidence in business. these confidence-founded businesses enjoy many advantages, to name a handful: 

  • can do attitude, which leads to decisive action
  • optimism, which breeds open-mindedness and abundance mindsets
  • curiosity, which triggers enthusiasm, creativity, and innovation
  • efficiency, from role clarity and goal clarity to doing the right things at the right times...'natural discipline' at work
  • quality relations, from civility and harmony to trust and real integrity, within the organization and clearly evident to all affected by the organization

Re-phrasing the initial questions...

Are those who lack confidence overriding those who have it, reducing our businesses' aggregate 'confidence factor'?

Are those who lack confidence reducing confident people's ability to realize their visions and goals?

Are those who lack confidence placing our businesses at risk vis-a-vis competitors in our neighbourhoods?...other communities?...other nations?

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