Managers outnumber leaders in business, by orders of magnitude.
Managers outnumber leaders in families, my orders of magnitude.
So, of course, managers outnumber leaders in family businesses, by orders of magnitude.
The imbalance we see between the number of leaders and managers is a problem. And the problem is compounded when family businesses are involved.
The solution is clear: leaders in family businesses need to increase the amount of leading they do and decrease the amount of managing they do. That's the simple solution to this problem. To implement the solution, some damage repair must be completed. Some knowledge must be gained. Some skills, new skills, must be practised and honed. Bad habits must be stopped. New things must be tried. And good habits must be developed…good leadership habits, that is.
It is far more natural for parents to manage their children than to lead their children. Sure, most parents want to be role in leadership. Regardless, children do not arrive with a predisposition to follow leaders. Rather, the little ones are born with 'minds of their own' and many of them seem to be daredevils at heart, oblivious to the dangers in the world around them. Consequently, all children act in ways that sream out for parental management. And, their parents feel both the desire and obligation to deliver that management.
Time passes.
Patterns of management become habits.
And, once a parent has experienced a long term relationship filled with managing children, it is very difficult to break the managing habits and alter the parent-child relationships by converting management habits to leadership habits.
Then, the next thing you know, the children become adults and they want to manage themselves and others...and some want to lead!