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Ready, Willing and Able … What a wonderful combination!

by Rick Baker
On Sep 15, 2016

Ready, willing and able…

Isn't that a wonderful combination?

How sad it is when two of them are there and the third fails to arrive. 

In particular, how sad it is when the middle one doesn't show up.

When we are ready and willing but not able we struggle and fail. This may not be so bad. In fact, it is often a vital part of the learning experience. 

When we are willing and able but not ready, that too may not be so bad. We can muster up readiness and be prepared for future opportunities.

When we are ready and able but not willing we must step back and try to figure out why are we not willing. What is causing us to stall? 

Without power of will many things falter:

  • persistence falters
  • conviction falters
  • Good Habits falter
The problems that follow lack of willpower can squeeze the joy out of life...and the productivity...and the quality of relationships.

Clearly, power of will is an elite character trait. It is the necessary ingredient for action and achievement. And, its absence quickly negates other fine character traits including readiness and ability


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Values: Personal Values

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