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The goals you want & the goals your Ego demands

by Rick Baker
On Oct 6, 2016

When the things you do align with your goals and the demands of your Ego, you are doing good habits.  When the things you do are conflicted between your goals and the demands of your Ego, you are doing bad habits.

Egos know what they want. Egos are very demanding, persistent and relentless. In their incessant demands, Egos are very concerned about how other people perceive you. Egos all tied up about short-term gratification. Your Ego has a lot of trouble buying into your long-term goals and quite often your Ego will do everything within its power to influence other people to see you ni ways that do not align with your long-term goals.

It seems, as a general rule, it is easier for other people to pick up on our Ego demands then it is for us to notice let alone understand our Ego demands. 

Many people have not taken the time to try to understand themselves and the curious role their Egos play in their lives.  Without such understanding life is a series of struggles. In particular, the pursuit of long-term goals is a series of struggles, pretty much doomed to fail.

There’s that old aphorism – Know Thyself.

And, thy Ego is a big part of Thyself.


Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

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