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Free up some time and ease your mind - have a pre-set process for dealing with problems.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 3, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Another piece of free up some time advice… 

Many people waste a huge amount of time worrying about and even agonizing over problems. 

Business life is laced with problems…some small, some not-so-small. 

So, it makes sense to have a ready-to-use system for addressing problems. 

This provides many benefits…but, here, I will only mention 3: 

  • It ensures time is not wasted thinking about how to go about addressing the problem
  • It forces a solution orientation…i.e., positivity trumps worry
  • It builds confidence 

That’s why we created P=2S+O©

A link to P=2S+O©


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Comments (2) -

Bryan Huck
12/3/2016 8:09:08 AM #

Hi Rick, always enjoy your writing on problem solving and creativity.  I use "an iron clad" process for problem solving (no, this is not an oxymoron).  The big "problem" with thinking about a problem is that you tend to get stuck within it and cannot see past it.  While your formula encourages people to get past the problem itself, it does help to have a reliable process to walk you, and ideally others through it - through collaborative conversations.

This doesn't come naturally to many leaders and does take practice.  The real core of this process is the "problem definition" where it is acknowledged that the problem you think you have is usually not the real problem that must be solved.  By asking key crafted questions around the initial problem, you will uncover the "real" problem to be solved. You then can apply your formula and guarantee new breakthrough solutions.  Give it a try and connect with me if you wish to learn more!

Bryan Huck

rick baker
12/4/2016 4:09:41 PM #

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Bryan.

Yes, it is essential to accurately identify the real problem. I agree - while pre-set processes provide value, pre-set mindsets often cause the wrong starting point for those processes.

To avoid the flawed directions that can accompany pre-set mindsets we need to know when situations call for more in-depth analysis of problems. I favour the education provided by Edward de Bono.

Let's make sure we discuss this the next time we get together.

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