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Many people have a personal relationship with Time: Time serves as their scapegoat.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 16, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Time is an abstract. People are not. At least, most people are not. 

Really, we know Time does not have human qualities.

Really, we know Time cannot march on. Only people and a select group of other animals are able to march.

Really, we know Time cannot wait for anyone. Only people and a select group of other animals are able to wait.

And, really, we know Time is never right or wrong. 

Yet, many people are brainwashed. They think and talk about Time possessing human traits. 

If we give Time human traits then, just like other people, we can blame it for our shortcomings. 

Yes, what a relief! What an escape from responsibility! Time is our scapegoat!


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Thought Tweets

Comments (1) -

rick baker
8/14/2016 10:46:03 AM #

"The real issue is not the number of hours we sit behind a desk but the energy we bring to the work we do and the value we generate as a result."

Tony Schwartz,
'Be Excellent at Anything', (2011)

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