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Without stress there can be no Self-confidence.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 16, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Self-confidence is built, over time, as stressful thoughts and situations are faced and dealt with. 

'Stressors' bring learning experiences that test self-confidence. The capacity to handle situations expands with experience. As increasingly-stressful learning experiences are handled, self-confidence grows. 

Without successful handling of stressors self-confidence has no chance to grow.

[Avoidance may provide relief  but it works against self-confidence.]

[Unsuccessful efforts at handling stressors may injure self-confidence...but, only if you let it...failures provide the opportunity to figure out 'better ways'...sooner or later 'better ways' lead to successful outcomes and then self-confidence grows.]

Bad habits make no one feel good.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 2, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet 

Taking us away from our goals...annoying us and annoying other people.

That's the essence, the definition, of Bad Habits.

Why are some people so inclined to be morale busters at work? And - How might we help them get over it?

by Rick Baker
On May 28, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I want to create a Top 10 list of ways to help morale-busting people get over whatever it is that causes them to want to spread negativity at work. I am not talking about people who express concerns openly, in front of those who they blame for this or that. I am talking about people who do their complaining behind the backs of the people about whom they complain.

I'd like to create a list of the Top 10 Remedies for Behind-the-Back Complaints.

Any help you can provide will be appreciated...

Here's one -

  1. Ask people to accept an environment where others can, without risk, openly express concerns about one another directly to one another. And, if that doesn't work the concern  be escalated to the boss or the 'team'.must

Thick-skinned people can handle both sides of that approach.

Do you agree?

Good leaders don't drive people; good leaders fuel the drive in people.

by Rick Baker
On May 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Performance is about desire and drive.

Enthusiasm takes energy.

Leaders are uniquely positioned to fuel the drive in people.

Leaders have the power to re-spark fires.

When we look outward and feel things are beyond our control it is most difficult to look inward and muster self-control.

by Rick Baker
On May 10, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some situations seem to be beyond our control. In fact, some situations are beyond our control. Other situations just appear to be beyond our control. Regardless, really beyond our control or appearing beyond our control - these are the situations that put our self-control to the toughest test. When our locus of control is tested, so is our self-control. We do better when we anticipate these situations and prepare, in our minds, for them. 



Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

In small doses anxiety energizes and hones focus. In large doses anxiety becomes a demon that destroys quality of life.

by Rick Baker
On May 7, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Anxiety is part of our lives.

Anxiety is laced with rumination about past mistakes and problems or worry about future mistakes and problems.

In small doses anxiety helps us overcome difficulties, which leads to the building of confidence

In large doses anxiety can overwhelm us, leading to avoidance lack of confidence and even depression.

One key to success: when anxiety is triggered begin by taking on little challenges. that will help you gain the confidence you will require when you face larger challenges.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.