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Name of author Rick Baker, P.Eng.

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When Egoic Wings Flap Out of Control

by Rick Baker
On Apr 1, 2015

My work is more important than everyone else's.

With elevated mind I attack my business with lightning-quickness. My superior insight-gifts enable me to juggle priorities as they arrive, in a flurry, faster than real time. My superior intuition-gifts manifest themselves as canny discernments of opportunities and uncanny strategies for delivering solutions.

My talents are singular; my talents are superlative; my talents are most-worthy.

Therefore, I will not plan my work in advance.

Rather, I will recognize the perfect way to do my work the very instant it arrives.

At the instant my work arrives you better be ready to grab onto my wake and keep pace with me as I launch myself onward and upward with the greatest gusto, gusto befitting the irrepressible nature of my business. And, shame and scorn on you if you are not ready or willing or able to hang on tight as I go about my work.

Accept the fact you face no choice shy of supporting my efforts with full energy and pristine accuracy, passing my supreme-muster-tests.

So, do not question me.

So, do not argue with me.

So, do not feel you will ever be able to grasp my important ways.

Simply, do what I say as I say it.

And hang on for dear life.



Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Humour

“The Silent Fish Whistle” - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Mar 6, 2015
Ernest Seller - Ernest Fishing
You know Ernest Seller loves sales!
But…if you ask Ernest Seller to choose between selling and fishing…the next thing you know he will be dressed like this.
Last summer Ernest took some time off work to buy and test a high-pitched whistle…the Silent Fish Whistle…the newest fishing gizmo…guaranteed to help him catch the really big fish.
Ernest Seller - Ernest
Ernest Seller - Ernest and Commission
It worked! Ernest caught some monster fish. But he had to stop using the Silent Fish Whistle because for some strange reason his faithful dog, Commission, refused to get into the car to go fishing with him.


Ernest Seller | Humour

“The Boss was Stewing” - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Feb 27, 2015
Ernest Seller stopped to shop for some new white shoes after lunch. So, he was 20 minutes late getting back to the office. With all that excitement and rushing around, Ernest forgot he was to meet with The Boss.
Ernest Seller - Ernest Seller
Ernest Seller - The Boss
The Boss was pacing, steaming and stewing. Then he saw Ernest sitting back, with feet up. That’s when The Boss blew his top, yelling...
“Ernest Seller – come with me. We need to have a little tête-a-tête!”
Ernest replied, "No thanks, Boss, I just had a big lunch…besides that Boss, you know I'm a meat and potatoes guy".
Ernest Seller - Ernest Seller


Ernest Seller | Humour

"Cold Calls" - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Feb 13, 2015
Ernest Seller - The New Guy
The New Guy heard Ernest Seller mention ‘cold calls’ and that made him real curious. Unfortunately, Ernest was busy and didn’t have time to explain.
So, The New Guy visited Don Trodden.
Don Trodden was having another one of those days. Under all the stress of the day, without thinking Don said,
“Why don’t you ask The Boss?”
Ernest Seller - Don Trodden
Ernest Seller - The Boss
The New Guy runs down the hall, drops into The Boss’ office and pops the question, “Boss, can you teach me about cold calls”.
That was the day The Boss moved The New Guy’s desk outside.


Ernest Seller | Humour

"Go Fetch" - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Jan 30, 2015
Ernest Seller - Ernest and Commission
Not too long ago, on his way to an afternoon of fishing, Ernest Seller brought his faithful dog Commission to visit the folks at the office.
As Ernest left the office The Boss quipped to Don Trodden, "If he were just a bit smarter we could teach him to fetch".
Ernest Seller - The Boss
Ernest Seller - Don Trodden
With a peep in his voice Don Trodden whispered to The Boss, "Ernest’s dog Commission can fetch...I saw him do it just the other day”.
The Boss snorted under his breath, "I was talking about Ernest".


Ernest Seller | Humour

"The Genie" - an Ernest Seller episode

by Rick Baker
On Jan 16, 2015
Ernest Seller dreamt he, Don Trodden, and The Boss found a lamp containing one of those genies. Each got one wish.
Ernest wished he could be fishing with his buddies.
Poof! Ernest disappeared.
Ernest Seller - Ernest Seller
Ernest Seller - Don Trodden
Don Trodden scratched his head for a while then, much to The Boss’ surprise, Don wished to go back in time and be a sultan in a harem.
Poof! Don Trodden disappeared.
Finally, it was The Boss’ turn to make a wish.
The Boss looked the genie square in the eyes and he wished Ernest Seller and Don Trodden would be back at their desks in 60 seconds.
Ernest Seller - The Boss


Ernest Seller | Humour

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.