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Buried Treasures – Inspired Measures

by Rick Baker
On Nov 2, 2011
Buried Treasures - Inspired Measures
It’s fun to measure your steps when you know the path leads to gold!
That’s the title of Spirited Leaders’ workshop on ‘Measurement’. The workshop is an introduction to our views about and tools for measurement of business things. In the workshop we guide business Leaders toward the measurement of most-important Actions.
Our introductory workshop covers two of the most-important aspects of Action:
  1. the cause-effect linkage Actions have with business Goals and
  2. the interpersonal implications of Actions…specifically, the implications in the areas of self-monitoring, self-regulating and Inspiring others.
These aspects of business are vital to Leaders’ success.
For our workshops, we make an effort to provide at least a little theory & creativity and at least two practical tools, which we call 1-Page Tools.
Intentionally, at workshops we do not get too deep into our theories or philosophies.
Some people ask us for more details, more details about the theories and philosophies.
The following is an effort to explain a bit of the thinking behind the workshop title
Buried Treasures - Inspired Measures
It’s fun to measure your steps when you know the path leads to gold!
First, here is a quote from the 2009 revision of ‘ZEN and the art of making a living’ by Laurence G. Boldt:
“If we limit our knowledge to that which can be quantified, we miss not only the wonder of the Mystery but also the possibility of the revelation.”
We are in 100% agreement with Boldt.
To confirm we are giving more than lip-service support to his statement…check out a little piece I wrote about 6 months ago titled ‘Marvel & The Mysteries of Life’.
We marvel at the wonder of the Mystery.
And, we know the most-important things are un-measureable. Certainly, at this time they are un-measureable. We can neither measure the details of the tiniest things like atomic particles nor the secrets at work in the simplest of animal brains.
That said, most of us must go to work and earn livings.
That said: we can approach our work as:
  1. a great-big-necessary-evil part of life or
  2. an opportunity to fulfil our life-purpose or
  3. a confusing thing lying between or waffling between (1) and (2)
From those options, we choose (2).
Our workshops are our effort to help business Leaders who also choose (2).
  • Buried Treasures – to the extent we are on a business quest, why not think in terms of looking at rolled up maps and taking measured Actions…in search of treasure?
  • Wouldn’t that sort of thinking make the journey a little more exciting and cause one to take the time and care to perform Inspired Measures?
  • Won’t it be more fun to measure your steps when you know your path leads to gold?
Footnote…about the coloured fonts

At Spirited Leaders, we use colours to signal & highlight certain things:
  • green = good things Good Habits
  • blue = New Things…which can lead to Good Habits
  • gold…well…gold = Gold!


1-Page Tools | INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Measure & Monitor | Spirited Leaders

Thick Skin & Thin Skull…and Lies

by Rick Baker
On Sep 13, 2011
As we have written about many times, we believe Leaders need thick skin and thin skulls
Here are some of the nuances of our thinking:
  • Everybody lies, at least in certain situations and about certain topics - everybody lies!
  • There are levels of lying...like little white lies, lies made in an effort to ease other's pain, manipulative lies, lies for the sake of secrecy or deception, and pathological lies.
  • "Honey, does this new red dress make me look slimmer?" The person who answers that question may lie while intending to be kind and aiming for win-win. That sort of lie is a low-level lie. And that sort of lie may represent the best course of action in the given situation. The intent behind the lie is 'admirable'.
  • Integrity, as we define it, allows for lies. Recall the last part of the definition: “When you make errors as you talk-walk-run you admit them and you strive to not repeat them”.
  • But, our definition of Integrity does not allow for repeated lies where the intent behind the lie isn't 'admirable'...Integrity cannot exist where the intent behind repeated lies is deception or manipulation...i.e., win-lose.  Our definition of Integrity allows for some of those win-lose lies. After all, as the saying goes, we are only human. Each of us makes mistakes. People say things and wish later that they could retract their words. An acknowledgement of their error when coupled with a true commitment to do better passes our ‘Integrity’ test. 
And, our key point on the two closely-intertwined topics, Lies & Integrity: the onus is on the leader to set the standard.
The leader sets the standard by:
  • Defining Integrity
  • Incorporating Integrity into leading by example
  • Having thick skin…it isn’t about you, it’s about them
  • Having a thin skull…being open minded, observing others, taking care to minimize judging of others while maximizing understanding of others


Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | Spirited Leaders | Thick Skin & Thin Skull

A Note to Leaders: About What Followers Want

by Rick Baker
On Sep 6, 2011
After talking with numerous people at numerous local places of business, we have learned…
What followers want is, in this order:
  1. To feel confident
  2. To have a confident leader
It is the leader’s job to optimize these two things.
The second one – leader’s confidence – is a double-edged sword. If it is not carefully real and controlled leader’s confidence then it will cut deep into the first. And, the damage can be irreparable.
How does a leader maximize her confidence without going too far?
How does a leader illustrate his confidence without going to far?
How do leaders make sure their confidence is non-threatening to the self-confidence levels of followers?
Here are some Spirited Leaders’ suggestions:
  • The leader must be authentic…it is OK to be on the reserved side of center if that is your character…it is OK to be on the boisterous side if that is your character
  • The leader must be committed to working on self…i.e., raising his or her own self-confidence when that is required, as it will be from time to time
  • A leader must focus on strengths: personal strengths and the strengths possessed by others
  • The leader must praise heartily…as taught by Dale Carnegie
  • The leader must make full use of humour…some leaders have just a little of it and will need to remind themselves of the importance of putting it to good use…other leaders will heavy doses of it and they will need to remind themselves to never let it go too far…self-humour is best…humour directed at others is a leadership no-no
  • The leader must listen…resurrect that art if it has become lost
  • The leader must learn to master emotions…and keep them under control [most of the time]
  • The leader must live with Integrity…as defined below
Definition of Integrity
  1. When you know your personal values and
  2. When you can express your personal values in writing [showing how you think the think] and
  3. When you can talk with others about your personal values [talk the talk] and
  4. When your actions are consistent with your personal values [walk the walk]
  5. When the heat is on and stresses are high you do your best to run the run and
  6. When you make errors as you talk-walk-run you admit them and you strive to not repeat them
…then you have Integrity.


Spirited Leaders

About Master Mind Alliances

by Rick Baker
On Aug 23, 2011
Napoleon Hill taught us the immense value contained in a Master Mind alliance. When two or more people apply their minds, in harmony, toward a shared goal they create an incremental 'force' that otherwise would never exist. The 'whole' is greater than the 'sum of the parts'. Truly successful business leaders know this to be true. They have lived the Master Mind experience and enjoyed the experience. They notice its absence when it fades...and even though it takes a tremendous amount of work to lead a Master Mind they crave its return.
We have seen Master Minds do tremendous good.
We have seen Master Minds do tremendous business. It’s all about people and how they can become inspired to desire and take desired action.
Your Master Mind can do tremendous business too.
We offer suggestions to help you with that.
First, you must create it…perhaps you will have to start with just two people…you, the leader, and one follower.
That’s not just OK: it is the best way to start.
Interpersonal harmony and like-mindedness are essential to building and growing a successful Master Mind Alliance.
The steps are:
  • Determine the business you want to build
  • Select one or more followers…people who align with your values, vision, major rules, and goals
  • Ensure a meeting of the minds…on personal values, shared vision, major rules, and goals
  • Work together to create plans
  • Work in harmony
  • Never criticize
  • Meet frequently and make adjustments to plans
  • Praise successful action
  • Praise desired results
  • Learn from failures, but don’t dwell on them
  • Praise lessons learned
  • Enforce the major rules, which we call Master Rules
  • Pre-pave the paths
This is a lot of work.
If done properly, it is very pleasant and very fulfilling work.


Spirited Leaders

Spirited Leaders BUSINESS PATHS

by Rick Baker
On Aug 18, 2011


Spirited Leaders

About business development Excellence…

by Rick Baker
On Jun 14, 2011
A dozen things you better know
1. You better know your Chief Desire
Whether you have a vivid lifelong Vision or a keen interest in accomplishing something important during the next few months, know what you want. Write down what you want in as simple and clear terms as possible. Napoleon Hill used the terms ‘Definite Purpose’ and ‘Definite Chief Aim’ to describe ‘what you want’. He stressed the importance of definiteness of purpose. To get through the toughest times, which you will no doubt encounter…you must make a habit of stoking the flame of your Chief Desire.
Key Resources:
  • Napoleon Hill, ‘Think and Grow Rich
  • Spirited Leaders Academy Workshops #1 & #2
2. You better know how to apply your Strengths to work
Some activities invigorate you so much you shine and time flies when you perform them. You perform at your best when you do these activities. These signal your strengths and your personal strengths are your key to business development success.
Key Resources:
  • Tom Rath – ‘StrengthsFinder 2.0
  • Spirited Leaders Workshop on Strengths
3. You better know how to manage your Weaknesses for work
You find some activities grating. They drain your enthusiasm. Even if you perform them well you will never excel at them and they will never cause business development excellence. Learn how to manage your work so your weaknesses have minimal impact.
Key Resources:
  • Marcus Buckingham, ‘GO Put Your Strengths To Work
  • Spirited Leaders Workshop on Strengths
4. You better know how to make Connections With People
Business is about PEOPLE. To do business you must connect with people. Your good reputation is an essential ingredient. If you are a natural connector then you have a tremendous advantage. If you are not a natural connector then you will need help from ‘matchmakers’ who illustrate strength in making valuable, timely business connections.
Key Resources:
  • Malcolm Gladwell, ‘The Tipping Point
  • Spirited Leaders Workshop on Connecting
5. You better know how to Click With People
You must learn how to obtain what you desire while satisfying the needs of other people or, at the very least, not violating the needs of other people. Excellence happens under an environment of aligned, harmonious effort. Work on expanding your pleasing personality. Ask great questions. That’s so important it must be repeated: Ask great questions!
Key Resources:
  • Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman, ‘Click
  • Spirited Leaders Workshop on Connecting
6. You better know how to Lead Change
People only do 3 things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things. And, ‘Constructive Criticism’ is an oxymoron. Remember those two simple facts when you work to cause Clients to feel good about having a long term relationship with you…and remember those two simple facts when you want to help other people to become your Clients.
Key Resources:
  • Dr. Jonathan Haidt, ‘Happiness Hypothesis
  • Chip Heath and Dan Heath, ‘Made to Stick’ & ‘Switch
  • Spirited Leaders Academy Workshop #2
7. You better know your business development Hedgehog & More*
* Hedgehog, Differential Advantage or Unique Selling Proposition, & Value Propositions
Stand out! Work at a business that can provide simple clear answers to tough questions like:
  • What do you excel at doing?
  • How are you different from your competitors?
  • How are your products & services different from your competitors’?
  • Why should I buy from you?
Key Resources:
8. You better know your business Target Markets
Do not limit your target market thinking to demographics. That just scratches the surface. Always remember people place the orders. Always remember people’s buying habits are heavily influenced by emotions and justified [later] with logic. Watch what they do. Observe with a clear and open mind. Seek the roots of behaviour patterns.
Key Resources:
  • Jeffrey Gitomer, ‘Sales Bible
  • Guy Kawasaki, ‘Reality Check
  • Spirited Leaders Academy Workshop #3
9. You better know your Business Development Pillars
Today, your business development must be supported by several marketing & sales pillars. You need a pillar of social media presence. You need at least one pillar of promotion. You need a pillar of cold calling. You need more than that. And, all your pillars must be pointed in the same direction…your marketing & sales actions must be integrated…your marketing & sales pillars must complement and enhance each other.
Key Resources:
10. You better know your business ‘Master Rules’
4 strategic things set the stage for your ‘Master Rules’. Those 4 things are your business’ shared Values, Vivid Vision, key success factors, and key failure factors. ‘Master Rules’ are the link that bonds your strategic thoughts to your practical actions. So, ‘Master Rules’ must be clear and simple. And, ‘Master Rules’ must be repeated. ‘Master Rules’ must also be few in number…this ensures boundaries are set on actions without stifling creativity.
Key Resources:
11. You better know your business Goals
S.M.A.R.T. Goals worked well in prior generations ago and they worked well a decade or two ago. Now, Goals must be more textured. When you set goals, it is essential to anticipate people reactions…specifically, you must understand in advance the emotional reactions your goals are likely trigger. This applies to the emotional reactions of your people, your clients, your suppliers, etc. You can do this by adding an ACRE of considerations when you set SMART goals:
A Action
C Conversion
R Repercussion
E Emotions
Key Resources:
12. You better know what you must Measure and Measure what you must know
Performance Tracking & Key Performance Indicators: these are pure gold when you have the discipline to establish them and make them Good Habits. This is one area in business where zero tolerance is the best policy: if it’s worth doing then it’s worth measuring. Conversely, if it isn’t worth measuring then why would you bother doing it?
Key Resources:
  • Douglas W. Hubbard, ‘How To Measure Anything
  • Brent Peterson and Gaylan Nielson, ‘Fake Work
  • https://rickbaker.ca/post/2010/01/19/CHANGING-FOR-THE-BETTER-Good-Habits-Bad-Habits-New-Things.aspx
  • Spirited Leaders Academy Workshop #6
13. You better know exactly how Your Role contributes to your business
There are 3 Steps:
  • Ensure role clarity…role descriptions, etc
  • Ensure reward clarity…goals, performance, & rewards
  • Perform an iterative process: test Your Role against every one of the first 12 Things You Better Know. Do this step now. And do this step at least once per year.
Key Resources:

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.