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Creativity & Intelligence

by Rick Baker
On Nov 29, 2016

Recently, Simon Sinek again wrote: “Intelligence looks for what is known to solve problems. Creativity looks for what is unknown to discover possibilities.”

While this may be viewed as catchy and inspiring by some, I just find it catchy [in a troubling way].

PS: for full disclosure - I am a big fan of Simon's 'discover your why' thinking.


Creativity is a component of intelligence.

If we are going to personify these concepts then we should think about Creativity existing in Intelligence’s fine-art gallery. We don’t always see Creativity. However, when we do see it – it is always hosted by Intelligence. Under Intelligence, Creativity contributes the finer arts and fruits known to Mankind.

Creativity is not a distinct thing. If Creativity is exploring the unknown then it is doing it under Intelligence’s watch.

When we consider Creativity under Intelligence lighting we immediately see the benefit of applying intelligence to the creative process. Curiosity is the key. And, let’s never be confused. Without tremendous amounts of intelligence [including what may seem to be hidden or arcane intelligence] no creativity exists…at least it doesn’t exist for human beings.


Even in the extreme – I mean, even in the most-metaphysical thinking of ‘Law of Attraction’ extremists – intelligence is always the starting point.

Creativity is a process of intelligent minds.

Note: Even the metaphysicians design and practice pre-planned rituals.


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