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Seek the upside in ordinary tasks: seeking simple work and doing it well; knowing its link to positive outcomes.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As the old saying goes, "There is satisfaction in a job well done."

There is more satisfaction when:

1.     You know the work, even if it is the most-simple of tasks, is a step toward a positive outcome and

2.     You do the work well.

Some people know this.

Others have to learn this.

Some have to teach this.

Leaders illustrate this by example: Mahatma Gandhi took pride in simplicity and the practice of walking; Napoleon Bonaparte took pride in the science and the practice of aiming cannons. 


Hero Worship | Leaders' Thoughts | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Communication tip: Google the words "how to listen better". Millions of ideas! Just pick 2 or 3. Start trying them today.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 25, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

When we asked the LinkedIn question 'What does it take to be a good sales person?' the #1 answer was - 'Be a good listener.' So, from time to time, our Sales Tweets will contain messages about How to Listen Better.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

Overheard at the Placebo Plant..."Listen up Boss, I've got this great new product idea."

by Rick Baker
On Nov 24, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

How would one go about recruiting employees for a placebo plant? What traits and qualities would one look for? Would quality control be discussed? How about customer service and customer satisfaction?


Curiosity - Invention, Innovation & Creativity | Humour | Ideas | Thought Tweets

If you do not know your limitations then your willpower won't.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"A man's got to know his limitations." Clint Eastwood said that when he played Dirty Harry in 'Magnum Force', (1973).

If you know yourself and you know your limitations then you have a fighting chance to know when you will need willpower. If you do not know your limitations then your willpower won't.


Hero Worship | Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

Curiosity, Moderation & Variety are the archenemies of Bad Habits.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 22, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Q: Why are certain habits called Bad Habits

A: Because they reduce the ability to achieve our Goals?

Q: How might we change our Bad Habits for the better?

A: Consciously, practice Curiosity, think and act with Moderation, & expand your exposure to Variety.

While leaders must set Rules, they must also empower managers to be innovative as they pursue goals.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 21, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Few companies have that sort of culture...so - they must change if they wish to survive and thrive.


Master Rules | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.