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Having Values, Delivering Value, & Recruiting Great People

by Rick Baker
On Dec 6, 2011

Everyone knows personal values influence people's behaviour.

Most people know the interplay between people's personal values create culture, including the culture at their business place.

Some people understand and agree personal Values lead to business Culture, which must be Communicated well. When that's done it leads to the generation of Value: Value for the business [profit] and Value for its people, its Clients, suppliers, shareholders, etc. At Spirited Leaders, we call this concept VCCV. If you desire business success then the best starting-point, the strongest driver, is Personal Values.


We speak about the many ways VCCV adds potency to business. 

Consider, for example, the function of Recruiting Great People.

In a 2011 Canadian Corporate Culture study, 85% of respondents indicated that cultural fit is more important than necessary skills when hiring1

When you are hiring a person to join your business you must work to understand whether or not they will 'fit in' your business Culture.

That means at least 3 things:

  1. You must understand your business Culture and the details of its embedded Values and your rules [our Master Rules],
  2. You must understand the employee-candidate's personal Values, and 
  3. You must determine whether or not the employee-candidate is compatible with our business Culture.
And, if you are not in a position to complete the first step then you do not know your business Culture.
If that's the case then that's the first thing to remedy.
If you are the Leader at your business then you must remedy that immediately.
Here is a link to get you started Leaders Personal Values Fuel Everything

  1. Waterstone Human Capital, "2011 Canadian Corporate Culture Study"




Master Rules | Spirited Leaders | Values: Personal Values

Comments (3) -

rick baker
4/21/2012 10:55:01 AM #

“When your added values are significant, safe, and successive, you become a supplier of your customer’s growth. From your customer’s perspective, adding to their value is your sole reason for being in business. It is what your customers mean, even if you do not, by customer satisfaction.”

Mack Hanan & Peter Karp,
‘Competing on Value’, (1991)

rick baker
12/26/2012 1:53:29 PM #

"When everything becomes a commodity what is going to matter is the ability to design and deliver value. That needs creative and design thinking."

Edward de Bono
`The Six Value Medals`, (2005)

rick baker
1/22/2013 8:11:14 PM #

“A value proposition is an examination and quantified assessment of the benefits, costs, and worth that an organization can deliver to customers …”

“A value proposition does not show up in marketing materials: rather, it serves to guide marketing and marketing communications and underlies all the messaging that is created. The messages must always communicate a benefit to the target audience; these benefits result from the articulation of the value proposition.”

Timothy R. Pearson
'The Old Rules Of Marketing Are Dead - Six New Rules', (2011)

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