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Under-Promise and Over-Deliver…Under-Talk & Over-Listen

by Rick Baker
On Oct 21, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Even while people are extremely busy, somehow they manage to remember the promises you didn’t deliver on.

And, if people are talking there is a reason for it.

I mean, people have reasons for saying things even if the things they are saying are not on the same topic as the things you are thinking while you could be listening while they are talking.

Rather than thinking all that stuff by yourself and waiting for them to stop talking so you can get your thoughts delivered…you could listen.

If you want people to bring your ideas to life, show an interest in theirs.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 15, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sure, of course, you're not biased and you know full well your ideas are superior!

But don't let that stop you from listening to other people's ideas from time to time. With listening being such a rare commodity, little expressions of attention and interest go a long way.


Ignorance is bliss; enlightenment is bliss: the work in between is the tough part.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 12, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

For some reason, we have an old saying, "Ignorance is bliss." Obviously, that's an exaggeration...or is it?

At the other end of the spectrum, many gurus have taught, "Enlightenment is bliss." I think that may be true...however, not having reached that state I cannot say for sure.

Yes - work is challenging...it tests us, it resists our desires, and it strengthens us. 

And perhaps, as James Allen taught, perfection and work-mastery bring bliss as work-challenges vanish.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Humour | Thought Tweets

Persistence is Self-Discipline in Thought then Action then Thought then Action then Thought then Action...

by Rick Baker
On Oct 9, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Brian Tracy said, "Persistence is self-discipline in action."

I believe desired Actions are always preceded by desired Thoughts.

In order to achieve Goals we must first discipline our Thoughts then those disciplined Thoughts will govern our Actions.

The habit of self-discipline is an essential ingredient of success.


'Just Do It!'...then do some more!

by Rick Baker
On Oct 3, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

First go through then go beyond the motions.

Go the extra mile; catch someone's attention; deliver, impress, and influence.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Influencing | Integrity | Thought Tweets

If you point out 1 error the person may accept your feedback. If you point out 2 errors the person likely won't.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 1, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Think about it: what's your tolerance for criticism?

[As you consider that last question...Never mind what your logical mind is tricking you into thinking: what's your emotional tolerance for criticism?]

How much would the average person tolerate?

This person right in front of you - the one you are about to criticize - what's this person's tolerance?

Regardless - whatever you do - don't choose to deliver your criticism in doses of 5 or 4...or 3...or 2. [Stop at 1 or, better still, don't start.]

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.