by Rick Baker
On Feb 2, 2021
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
The common ground where optimists and pessimists can stand together and self-actualize together is – Growth....all entrepreneurial leaders love to build and grow things.
by Rick Baker
On Jan 28, 2021
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
When does persistence become the wrong thing to do?
There are differing views: we discussed this at the Thought Post called ‘The Eighth Step Toward Riches or The First Mental Trap’
When should the sales person draw the line…pull the plug?
Ideally, this should happen when two things align:
1. Your gut feel tells you ‘It is over.’
2. Your accurate thinking tells you ‘It is over.’
That’s much easier said than done.
But, like all other aspects of sales…it is a talent that can be learned & honed.
by Rick Baker
On Jan 24, 2021
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
When we were young a lot of people started to say "No" to us. We were made to believe it was wrong to say and do certain things....many things. The rules of "No" versus "Yes" were inconsistent, depending on who was saying them and where all of us were when they were being said. Regardless, when we were instructed "No" we received the message we were doing something wrong...i.e., making a mistake. We heard "No" so many times when we were young we still ruminate about our mistakes, sometimes even the mistakes we made when we were young.
We should shake that off.