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Intolerant people see weaknesses where others see strengths.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 17, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The strongest of leaders seek out differences. They know differences capture all the talents & strengths.

Work to your strengths. Find others who have strengths that cover your weaknesses.

The less confident you feel the more you criticize others.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

So, Confidence is criticism's antidote.

Personal strengths, desire to achieve, & attitude: 3 key things you can develop.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 8, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Lou Holtz, the famed Notre Dame football coach, said something like: "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."

What is Ability? The key to ability is Personal Strengths and Personal Strengths = Natural Talents + Pertinent Knowledge + Skill development through practice. [link to Strengths]

What is Motivation? Motivation is an internal driver that makes you want to understand the [external] world and exert your influence on it. [link to Will to Power]

What is Attitude? Positive Mental Attitude exists when your mind is able to guide and focus your thoughts and actions toward your desired ends/goals.

It seems - providing advice on how to succeed is nowhere near as difficult as helping people succeed.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 7, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Most people have lots of advice [opinions, suggestions, criticisms, commands, etc.] to share with others.

Few people edit/tailor their communications to actually help others. 


For decades, sales people have been taught: "Sell, Don't Tell".

That sales education aligns with this Thought Tweet. In sales, people are taught to give consideration to the other party's needs. 


"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

John Quincy Adams

Love success and exert yourself striving for it OR Hate fear so much you do whatever it takes to remove it.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Based on all the ‘Can’t Do’ stuff I have seen and heard, if you must hold fear in your mind then I’d suggest you work on your mind to ensure you fear failing so much that you give yourselves one choice - success.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

Fear is neither our birthright nor our destiny...it is simply a bad habit we picked up and chose to live with...or overcome.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 24, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

To overcome fear people must do small amounts of the thing they fear and experience small successes. 

Positive thinking is helpful. Positive action is truly powerful.

Fear crumbles when assaulted repeatedly by methodical small actions.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.