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2 Simple Tools: 1 for Thinking, 1 for Action....both for Communicating.

by Rick Baker
On May 10, 2013

Edward de Bono is one of my heroes. In my opinion, he is the world's greatest creative thinking educator.

I have written about Edward de Bono and his 'Six Thinking Hats'...'Six Thinking Hats' is an extremely helpful tool for sorting out your thinking and for communicating with others about thinking.

Here's a picture-summary:

Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats'



I have a de Bono section in my library. My goal is to collect and red all his books. That's a challenge because he has been prolific, writing well over 50 books. I have just completed reading de Bono's 'Six Action Shoes', (1991). 'Six Action Shoes' is an extremely helpful tool for sorting out your actions and for communicating with others about actions.

Here's a picture-summary:

Edward de Bono's 'Six Action Shoes'

These thinking and action tools provide excellent ways to Seek Simple....a Spirited Leaders' philosophy. When thinking can be summarized in 6 ways...that's seeking simple. When action can be summarized in 6 ways...that's seeking simple. And, that's why Edward de Bono is so amazing. He has been able to unleash his genius [and help others do the same] because he is the master in simplifying before choosing how to think, simplifying before choosing how to act, and knowing when and how to be creative. In other books, he illustrates exactly how to be creative. [Our recent thought post 'Taking Curiosity to Creativity' contains de Bono's signature contribution - lateral thinking.]

Now, Seek Simple is one of Spirited Leaders' core philosophies...another is:

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations

Much has been posted about People, Process, & Situations.

Now we will show how Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats and Six Action Shoes can be incorporated.

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations. 

Here's the picture...

A snapshot in time during your business day - that's what we mean by Situations. That snapshot will contain people [at least 1, you] and it will contain process [at least 1, your thinking]. Process either involves People or machines/mechanisms/tools [designed by People]. For the time being, let's concentrate on the Processes performed by People. There are only 2 types of Processes performed by People: Thinking and Action. If we embrace de Bono's tools, the Processes performed by People have 12 components: 6 ways of thinking and 6 ways of taking action.

In any Situation, People can decide which of the 12 things they will perform.

Here's the picture...


Those are good questions to ask!

[That's Seeking Simple and finding it.]

[That makes for one very Good Habit.]

Are you updating your business tools?

by Rick Baker
On May 9, 2013

About Tools & Business Improvements

It started with rocks and sticks. In our early days, we used them to do work.

We needed them to perform what our bodies could not do. We used tools to make work easier and less risky. We used rocks to injure prey. We used rocks to scrape the meat off bones. We used rocks to open shells. We burned sticks to keep us warm. We burned sticks to protect ourselves from animals.

We used sticks & stones to make spears for hunting. 

We used sticks to support us when our legs were injured and we used sticks as spears for fishing. 


Later we used rocks and slings to hunt prey from a distance. We used sticks to create bows and arrows for protection and hunting.

Tools have played a major role in our lives...in summary, 5 ways:

  1. Making them,
  2. Exchanging them, 
  3. Putting them to good use, 
  4. Maintaining them, &
  5. Upgrading them [as technologies and our bank accounts allow].
And now, with really-advanced technologies, tools are creating really-advanced problems for us...call them techno-problems.
Techno-Problems: here are a few examples:
Yes - our increasing demand for higher-technology and innovative tools has generated techno-problems.
We need to fix that.
The solution is: seeking simple and one important aspect is simplifying our tools.
Some suggestions:
  • Less is better...limit the amount of information you are exposed to. Be information-selective. Employ the 80/20 Rule. These reductions will allow you to focus on what's important. 
  • Use 1-Page Tools: demystify process and help your people get over work-process hurdles
  • Take advantage of proprietary software
  • Remove system & process gaps...those work-flow disconnects that cause duplication of work, unnecessary month-end and project-completion overtime and other things that really annoy your people



Thought Tweet #725

by Rick Baker
On Apr 26, 2013

Thought Tweet #725 How do your inner insecurities handle themselves in tough situations?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Do they champion courage?

Do they cry out for help?

Do they fluctuate in-between?

Do you make the best of your tough situations?

Does your self-control grow?

Thought Tweet #712

by Rick Baker
On Apr 9, 2013

Thought Tweet #712 Judge others' actions with balance...be sparing in frequency, be extra-considerate of situations, and be sincere.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Know your judgment is likely to sting.

Anticipate the scenarios of reaction.

If you must judge, be a creative judge.

Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron 

Creativity & Invention: Building on the Differences

by Rick Baker
On Apr 3, 2013

Here's a thought about creativity vis-à-vis right and wrong: creativity is not about right and wrong. If it can be summed up in one word, creativity is about 'new'.

People have different perceptions…because people are different. People have different ideas because people are different. People have different perceptions about ideas because people are different.

  • When people perceive and think the same way and accept that situation, there is little ability to experience creativity. [The existence of differences is the seed for creativity.]
  • When people perceive and think different ways and accept that situation, creativity has a much easier time presenting itself. [Tolerance breeds trust and comfort.]
  • When people judge others as wrong, the likelihood of creativity arising or evolving into invention or innovation drops. [Intolerance breeds distrust and discomfort.]
  • When people accept others as being different and are OK not judging the differences as right or wrong, minds tend to be more open to new ideas. [Open-mindedness breeds open and accurate communication.]

Only when minds are open to new ideas can creativity, invention, and innovation have the opportunity to flourish.


Business Contains Only 3 Things

Thought Tweet #708

by Rick Baker
On Apr 3, 2013

Thought Tweet #708 Everyone requires Process. It is a necessity of life. So, it pays to know how to get Process right.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Without Process we'd have no life (let alone business). Life and Business Contain Only 3 Things: People, Process, and Situations. And, that applies to all of us; for each and every one of us, Business and Life contain all those 3 things. Taking it one step farther - every Creative person uses Process. (Granted, some of the Processes that bolster creativity are very-private or barely-conscious and others are very-dysfunctional.)

Regardless, all of us use Process in everything we do. That's good news because curiosity, creativity, invention, and innovation can be taught...and learned.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.