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Grow your business by (A) Watching more Reality TV...say those alligator hunters or (B) Learning how to make changes.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 30, 2014

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I suppose I have a bit of a problem with Reality TV. 

It seems to me all the episodes about alligator hunters, child models, cake makers, pawn brokers, storage closet people, and garbage pickers are diluting rather than adding to reality. 


Change: Creating Positive Change | Humour | Thought Tweets

Courage, Confidence, & Succeeding at Business

by Rick Baker
On May 22, 2014

If you wish to excel at business, you must have a better than average amount of courage and self-confidence. These states of mind, these habits of character, are the building blocks that support thoughts and actions required to succeed. 

Spirited Leaders definitions:

  • Courage is the state of mind that gives you the ability to think and act productively in the face of difficult and fearful situations.
  • Confidence is the state of mind where you know you can handle the situation at hand and perhaps even excel in it. 

Courage & Confidence are the best states of mind for:

  • Tackling problems
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Adjusting in reaction to changes
Of most importance, Courage & Confidence not only help you accept and handle setbacks ranging from light criticism to major failure...Courage & Confidence open your mind to learning from these 2 facts-of-life. When you learn from criticism - when you have what Spirited Leaders call thick skin & thin skull - you obtain the benefits of other people's perspectives not available to the vast majority of people [because their skin is thin and their skulls are thick]. When you learn from failures and defeats [both yours and others'] you improve and grow. 

With Courage & Confidence you have a heightened ability to be 'present'. You accept the situation [rather than agonize over it, link it to past problems or transform it into worries about the future].

With Courage & Confidence you accept other people [rather than try to change them]. As Covey taught, you have the ability to seek first to understand [rather than jump to conclusions, paint others with negative brushes, etc.].

Courage & Confidence are the great enablers.

Courage & Confidence are worth the effort it will take you to plant and grow them.

Thought Tweet #1000

by Rick Baker
On May 16, 2014

Thought Tweet #1000 If you believe it takes a crisis to cause change then create the crisis that will take you to a better place.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some argue people cannot change their character.

Some argue that character changes only happen as a result of 'life crises'.

I believe these people are wrong. I believe people can use their power of will to change their character.

I believe all great leaders intentionally changed their character during their journey to greatness.


Change: Creating Positive Change | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

It's your personality, it's your choice

by Rick Baker
On May 14, 2014

Your personality will remain the same...as long as you allow it to. Or, perhaps your personality will struggle with age or sour with age if you ignore it. Only with conscious thought and effort will your personality improve.

Henry Ford said something like, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right."

His logic applies to personality.

"If you think you can change your personality or you think you can't change your personality, you are right."

So what do you choose to think?

And, do you intend to share your thoughts with others?

If so, which thought [the can thought or the can't thought] will provide them the most value?

And, which thought will provide you the most value?


If you are pleased with your personality, you are standing on solid ground.

If others are pleased by your personality, you are standing on higher ground.

Thought Tweet #995

by Rick Baker
On May 9, 2014

Thought Tweet #995 Once upon a time there were no walls. People must have beat their heads against something else.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When you are beating your head against a wall the first thing to do is recognize, your head doesn't fare well when you pit it against a wall.

Heads don't fare well when you beat it against walls.

If you saw others beating their heads against walls, would you join them?

Walls versus Heads...the smart money is on Walls.

...all of this in support of changing for the better.


Change: Creating Positive Change | Humour | Thought Tweets

Choose Yourself Wisely

by Rick Baker
On May 8, 2014

At a recent roundtable, the self-discovery question was asked, "If you could make a 30 second speech to the entire world, what would you say?"

The following popped into my mind...

Choose Yourself Wisely: cut yourself more slack and provide yourself much more support; emulate heroes; set then work at strings of small goals; embrace life-long learning...and change your character for the better.




Some argue we have no choice, "We are what we are". We cannot change!

The 2-dimensional hero Popeye, for example, embraced that sort of thinking. He was known to repeat, "I am what I am".


We must help others understand they have the ability to self-improve. 



Change: Creating Positive Change

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.