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Mastering Commander's Intent

by Rick Baker
On Mar 1, 2013

People resist being too constrained under firm rules, processes, and controls.

That's because people value independence, the ability to influence and control situations, and the ability to satisfy their curiosity and innate creativity.

People stray and wander, maybe even flounder or breaks laws, when given full freedom and autonomy.

That's because people struggle with self-control and are prone to choose short-term gratification over long-term gratification.

The extremes of too-much process and too-little process are gardens for dysfunction. When we apply too-much process, expecting people to follow our instructions and 'do things right' most people resist. When we apply too-little process, expecting people to be innovative and 'do the right things', most people fail to excel.

So - what must business leaders do?

Business leaders must:

So you think you have INSIGHT...

by Rick Baker
On Dec 18, 2012

Entrepreneurs have deal-doing insight.

Good salespeople have deal-doing Insight, which can be defined as:

  • a natural, deep capacity to understand people and situations,
  • a tuned intuition that identifies patterns & trends, and
  • an ability to see gaps and know ways to fill them.

True entrepreneurs and salespeople possess a set of natural talents that work together to create insight strength.

As one example:

Consider Ideation and Intellection...the ability to imagine ideas and the ability to think about and understand ideas. These are two distinct aspects of Talent: that is, to a degree they can be viewed as distinct. Ideation and Intellection are 'intertwined'. Many people tend to be 'set' in one mode or the other. As a result - few people possess the ability to shut off Intellection in order to free up Ideation. Few people possess the ability to set aside judgment and replace it with open-mindedness or free-flowing creativity. Indeed, very few people can switch back and forth between Ideation and Intellection. Most people get stuck in thought ruts...thought habits.

Q: Can a person develop Insight Strength?

A: Absolutely - Yes!

Here's a great way to start - read some of Edward de Bono's work.

Applaud curiosity.

Spend more time with inwords.

Remember - deal-doing insight can be converted into fortunes. 

Thought Tweet #588

by Rick Baker
On Oct 17, 2012

Thought Tweet #588 Why do so many people throttle back on learning as they mature and age?

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Are they disenchanted with work - uninspired?

Has 'the world' beaten curiosity out of them?

Do they not understand an active mind has the ability to self-sustain...to a ripe old age?


Thought Tweet #580

by Rick Baker
On Oct 5, 2012

Thought Tweet #580 Maybe, curiosity kills cats; definitely, curiosity motivates people.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Perhaps, many animals are curious. Certainly, some are...cats have a reputation for it. Human beings must be the most curious animal on Earth. Curiosity is in our DNA. Curiosity is the root of innovation, invention, and creativity.

[I don't think curiosity kills cats...it just makes them very interesting.]


Curiosity - Invention, Innovation & Creativity | Humour | Thought Tweets

Entrepreneurial Dilemma

by Rick Baker
On Aug 16, 2012

The Entrepreneurial Dilemma: how to delegate [or institutionalize] the entrepreneur's deal-doing insight.

True entrepreneurs have deal-doing insight. They possess the natural strength of insight: a combination of wisdom, curiosity, and imagination that, without effort, identifies problems and their solutions. Deal-doing insight can be converted into fortunes. It can also be the cause of entrepreneurial 'aloneness'...a gap between the entrepreneur and all the other people in the organization.

Put another way, true entrepreneurs are a different breed of cat. They are driven to create, innovate, and deliver new things of value. They are inventors. Also, true entrepreneurs know how to sell the things they create. Otherwise, if they could not sell the things they create, they would be inventors not entrepreneurs.

So, true entrepreneurs - the best of the entrepreneurs:

  1. know how to create things of value and 
  2. know how to sell what they create.

Philip Delves Broughton1 presented an excellent example of this when he described Ron Popeil, the inventor [for example, Popiel Pocket Fisherman], infomercial personality, and master salesman:

"Popeil grew up selling at state and county fairs before making his fortune in infomercials. He wrote about selling not as a stand-alone business activity but as one piece of a process that begins with great ideas, includes patents, design, packaging, pricing, manufacturing, advertising, and publicity. The greatest salesman, by Popeil's definition, understands how all these steps are integrated because he is the inventor, manager, and seller. The moment selling becomes a separate business function you're sunk."

That last line describes a thought-key to sustained entrepreneurial-business success:The moment selling becomes a separate business function you're sunk.

Selling cannot become a stand-alone business function. To sustain business success, the true entrepreneur must be able to transfer deal-doing insight. That means the entrepreneur must be able to teach it or transfer it to someone who has the natural strength of deal-doing insight.

That raises [more than] 4 important questions:

  1. Can true entrepreneurs teach others how to possess deal-doing insight?
  2. If so, who can be taught? 
  3. How would one go about doing the teaching?
  4. How would one identify, attract, and hire a person who possesses deal-doing insight?
The quick answers are:
  1. Yes...but it requires time, focus, and complete dedication [and often true entrepreneurs are inclined to do what it takes]
  2. A rare few...people who are 'driven'
  3. One-on-one training, mentoring, and coaching.
  4. There are several essential steps:
  • First, deal-doing insight must be an ongoing priority at the organization [part of its fabric]. 
  • Second, a process must be designed and proven before people can be recruited. 
  • Third, a customized sales training program must be designed and proven [as alluded to in #3 above]. 
  • Fourth, a multi-prong recruiting program must be designed to fit the specific needs of the organization [again, part of its fabric].


  1. The quote was transcribed from the audio book 'The Art of The Sale', by Philip Delves Broughton (2012)
  2. True entrepreneurs can invent and sell things of value. The dilemma:  most true entrepreneurs are not able to transfer that combination of strength to other people. So, sooner or later, invention and selling become two separate functions...and, sooner or later, the business fails.

Thought Tweet #493

by Rick Baker
On Jun 6, 2012

Thought tweet #493 The mind feeds and grows...depending on the calibre of its dominating questions.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We see that in children...they approach life as if it is a question free-for-all. They must do that or they learn little. Curiosity is one childlike habit we should not give up.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.