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Thought Tweet #426

by Rick Baker
On Mar 5, 2012

Thought Tweet #426 It ain't 'empowerment', it's 'un-entanglement'.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We often hear advice like, "You should empower your people, provide them autonomy, give them decision-making authority, and get them to take responsibility". 

That's not the right mindset. We do not 'empower' people or 'give' people things like autonomy: we do not transfer power or energy from us to other people. People have, within them, all the energy and power they need. We can help people by showing them how to 'un-entangle' the energy and power within them. One good way of doing this is leading by example.

[And, we should be clear about another thing: 'delegation of authority' is not 'empowerment'.]



Delegation & Decisions | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #419

by Rick Baker
On Feb 23, 2012

Thought Tweet #419  "Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it." #ReneDescartes 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Descartes: what an interesting man! He started a philosophical revolution when he said, "I think; therefore I am." He also said, "I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake." [And, from what I've read, he might not have felt dogs are 'Man's Best Friend'.]


Delegation & Decisions | Hero Worship | Thought Tweets | Wisdom: Surviving the Test of Time

Process - Uncrushing Creativity

by Rick Baker
On Feb 15, 2012

The word Process annoys many people.

Some feel Process locks them in closets and beats down their independence. Actually, the exact opposite is true.

So, when someone like me talks about the value of business Process...for these people, it's like I am throwing a wet blanket at them...Process turns some People off. I see that. I hear that. It is between the lines and it is the lines.

I want to help People get over their aversion to Process.

To succeed in my job, I must do that.


I will let W. Edwards Deming1, the extraordinary teacher who changed the world's auto sector, answer that question:

"If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing."

And, I will expand on that a bit:

  1. Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations [that's a Spirited philosophy]
  2. If you can't describe what you are doing as a Process, then you don't know what you're doing. [that's Deming's wisdom]
  3. Even if that Deming wisdom can be proven wrong on some occasions, if you can't describe what you are doing as a Process then you can't delegate to other People what you are doing.
  4. If you can't delegate to other People then you can't grow your business beyond the weight your single set of shoulders can bear.
  5. And - if you can't delegate to other People then you can't smoothly exit your business.

[Addendum - February 5th, 2013 - If you cannot delegate work-tasks to other People then, even if you do not want to exit, sooner or later you will hit the plateau where you will not be able to grow your business.]

On top of that, and of most importance, clearly defined Process helps People feel more comfortable and confident...making your workplace more harmonious, more satisfying, and more fun.
Process does not throttle creativity. The reverse is true. When the numerous repeated work-tasks are organized and well-defined People have two things that open the door for creativity: (1) they have more time to use their imagination and (2) they enjoy a more-positive frame of mind.
  1. Deming was visionary and he taught many people. For example, in his book 'The MasterMind Marketing System', Jay Abraham talked about what he had learned while working for Deming, in summary:
  • well-defined process is essential
  • process consists of finite elements
  • we must isolate and identify each element of every process
  • we must measure & monitor each element
  • we must compare each element against alternative: testing each with a view to enhancing and improving it
  • we must focus on the benefits each element provides 


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Delegation & Decisions | Leaders' Thoughts | Seeking Simple!

The Master Rules - Part 1

by Rick Baker
On Dec 1, 2011

My second boss taught me `The Golden Rule`.

He explained it this way: He who carries the gold makes the rules.

Some people might have been annoyed...


  • Who does he think he is!
  • The boss thinks he gets to tell me what to do!
  • Huh, we will see about that!

For some reason, I was not annoyed. (It might have had something to do with that little new mouth to feed in our family.)

For some reason, I liked the idea of the boss telling me some rules and telling me what he wanted done. I liked the clarity of his communication too:

  • He was the boss. 
  • I was not the boss. 
  • He carried the gold. 
  • I wanted some of it. 
  • OK - I get it.

For some reason, I embraced the subordinate role...the role of a follower.

While it would be an exaggeration to say I understood any of the details of it at the time, I had a general sense that to be a good leader a person must first be a good follower. And, to be a good follower a person must respect the authority of others. Acceptance alone is not enough. A follower must respect and admire the people who have the authority. I am not talking about admiring every single aspect of the boss` character or admiring every single action the boss does or every decision the boss makes. I am talking about recognition of the fact the boss has some admirable qualities and capabilities. If that were not true then the boss would not be the boss.

Good followers learn from all their bosses: maybe a little, often a lot.

Followers who do not accept, respect, and at least to a degree admire authority do not learn from their bosses.

Followers who do not learn from their bosses do not become leaders.

The Master Rules - Part 1: He who carries the gold makes the rules.


Master rules - Part 2


Delegation & Decisions | Master Rules

Thought Tweet #357

by Rick Baker
On Nov 29, 2011
Thought Tweet #357 Winners embrace ownership of task.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Winners are self-starters and they embrace delegation and accountability. Winners go the extra mile, providing unexpected work for the employer. Winners self-monitor and self-regulate.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Delegation & Decisions | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #313

by Rick Baker
On Sep 28, 2011
Sales Tweet #313 We’d rather hear less-than-perfect decisions than questions, which absolutely delay Buyer’s decisions.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Consider that Rule of Thumb before you ask your Sales Manager your next question.


Delegation & Decisions | Sales | Thought Tweets

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