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Even when happiness appears to be all that's happening, it brings Value.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 30, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

There are many reasons why this is true. Here's one: when we are happy our faces show it, then others register that fact, and that at the very least eases anxieties and tensions in situations. Happiness tends to be contagious.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

When you design change you must do it in a way that helps people get over their fears.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 27, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Dr. Jonathan Haidt described people’s behaviour using the following metaphor. People behave as if they are Riders on Elephants on Paths. Riders are our logical side. Elephants are our emotional side. And, Paths are the situations we face. Elephants are tough to control and they get worried or frightened easily. Also, Elephants cannot jump…over hurdles. So, when we design Change we must do it in a way that helps Elephants get over their fears.


Change: Creating Positive Change | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

Love success and exert yourself striving for it OR Hate fear so much you do whatever it takes to remove it.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Based on all the ‘Can’t Do’ stuff I have seen and heard, if you must hold fear in your mind then I’d suggest you work on your mind to ensure you fear failing so much that you give yourselves one choice - success.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

When you criticize people their brains scream "No" and constructive communication is over.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 25, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When 'No' thoughts are filling the brain there is little room for 'Yes" thoughts. In fact, chances are 'No' and 'Yes' thoughts will not want to occupy the brain at the same time. They would rather take turns. And, for most people the 'No' thoughts are much more sticky. When they find their way into people's brains they stick there until they run out of reasons to defend and bolster the ego.While 'No' thoughts are sticking around the brain, working away to defend and bolster the ego there is little, if any, opportunity for constructive communication...particularly communication involving the person who triggers the 'No' response.


Fear is neither our birthright nor our destiny...it is simply a bad habit we picked up and chose to live with...or overcome.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 24, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

To overcome fear people must do small amounts of the thing they fear and experience small successes. 

Positive thinking is helpful. Positive action is truly powerful.

Fear crumbles when assaulted repeatedly by methodical small actions.

If we had not learned the word "No" when we were young, we would spend a lot less time thinking about our mistakes.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 20, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When we were young a lot of people started to say "No" to us. We were made to believe it was wrong to say and do certain things....many things. The rules of "No" versus "Yes" were inconsistent, depending on who was saying the rules and where all of us were [mental schema, states of mind, etc.] when the rules were being expressed.

Regardless, when we were instructed "No", we received the message we were doing something wrong...i.e., we were making a mistake. We heard "No" so many times when we were young much of our current thoughts involve our past mistakes, sometimes even the mistakes we made when we were very young. 

We should learn to shake mistakes off.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.