by Rick Baker
On Nov 14, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Where would we be without an understanding of how to use fire?
Wouldn't we be cold and uncomfortable?
Wouldn't we be uninspired?
Wouldn't we be in the least, half the time?
by Rick Baker
On Nov 7, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Trust: it's a dynamic thing; it flows 2 ways; you must extend it in order to receive it; it starts with Thought, then it inspires Action.
A double-entendre metaphor: we have mirror neurons in our brains to help us understand other people's intentions...and we tend to mirror other people's behaviour.
by Rick Baker
On Oct 31, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
The brain represents 2% of body mass while it consumes 20% of body energy.
The brain is 'energy intensive'.
Much brain energy is consumed/wasted on negative thinking - i.e., wasted on negative feelings and emotions...wasted on rumination & worry.
You gain energy-value when you reduce your brain's energy-waste.
So - Tackle problems quickly: hit 'em high, hit 'em the ball out from their hands.