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If you are spending too much time fighting fires at work, your career is getting doused.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 19, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The economy would get a serious boost if 10% of business people would apply the 80/20 Rule and spend more time doing work directly linked to building value [planning the work and working the plan] and less time fighting fires.

Don't delegate any task you cannot do yourself...except software engineering.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 18, 2021

Clint Eastwood taught those villains, "A man must know his limitations."

Similarly, a man must understand he is at risk when he delegates beyond his limitations.

Yes, I known this also applies to women, however, Clint Eastwood didn't shoot women...at least I don't recall seeing him shoot women or instructing them on limitations.

OK - people, both women and men, must know their limitations and they must understand they should think about the risks before they delegate work that exceeds their capabilities.

So, one Master Rule is – Don’t delegate a task you cannot do yourself.

From time to time, leaders need to do the dirty jobs. [The jobs everyone can do but nobody enjoys doing.] If leaders choose to delegate all the dirty jobs then they will surely alienate some people….perhaps, most followers.

At the other end of the spectrum, leaders get into trouble when they delegate tasks that are beyond their capability. As examples - troubles follow when the time required for tasks is underestimated, when the complexity of tasks is underestimated, and when the resources required for tasks are underestimated. The best way to know the time, complexity, and resources of tasks is firsthand experience doing the tasks.

So, one Master Rule is – Don’t delegate a task you cannot do yourself.

…unless, of course, those tasks are software engineering!


Delegation & Decisions | Hero Worship | Humour | Master Rules

When there's no two ways about it, it isn't good conversation.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 14, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Well...that's an idiom wrapped up in an aphorism wrapped up in a bit of truism.

Regardless, closed minds don't tolerate others' ideas and undisciplined minds are always tied to ears that close and mouths that open.



Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thick Skin & Thin Skull | Thought Tweets

So you have a mind like a steel trap do you…then you will know intelligent life forms choose to avoid traps.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 13, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Illustrations of mental prowess can put people off....especially when performed by braggarts and wiseacres.

If you want to hit a grand slam in business, use your WOMBAT.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 28, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet


Word Of Mouth Business Acquisition Team


Humour | Marketing | Sales | Thought Tweets

If our ancient ancestors thought and acted like they were too busy they would have been eaten. Then where would we be?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 18, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The next time you feel inclined to complain about being too busy think of your ancestors.

Wonderful heritage - Evolution didn't let you down.  Did it?

How about your descendants - what are you passing on to them?

Hopefully, you're not passing on the I'm-too-busy gene.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.