by Rick Baker
On Feb 10, 2011
Sales Tweet #149 More ancient sales advice: when not able to move ahead, kick self in behind.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
If [like me] you have less-than-perfect knees then you may have to ask a friend to do the kicking for you…wouldn’t want you to self-injure while you are self-starting.
by Rick Baker
On Feb 8, 2011
Sales Tweet #147 Ancient sales advice: salesperson better to wear out soles of shoes than seat of pants.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This has been paraphrased. The original version, I believe translated from Greek around the time of Plato, was: “When a man desires to succeed at the noble profession of sales that man must wear out the soles of his sandals before he wears out the backside of his toga”.
by Rick Baker
On Jan 19, 2011
Sales Tweet #133 A sales person should be proud of his/her calling…and ashamed of his/her not calling.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
The thing to try when all else fails is again. Give it a try - not an alibi.