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Thought Tweet #377

by Rick Baker
On Dec 27, 2011
Thought Tweet #377 Another one for 'Boxing Week'...Muhammad Ali said, "Joe Frazier's so easy to hit, he gets mad if you miss him".


Hero Worship | Humour | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #376

by Rick Baker
On Dec 26, 2011
Thought Tweet #376 Here's one for Boxing Day…Mike Tyson said, "Everybody has a plan until they get hit".


Humour | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #371

by Rick Baker
On Dec 19, 2011
Thought Tweet #371 Who has blue suede shoes and makes Christmas toys? [Santa's little Elvis.]


Humour | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #318

by Rick Baker
On Oct 5, 2011
Sales Tweet #318 The Joy of Pro-active Procrastination - http://www.spiritedsalestweets.ca
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
I think procrastination is a lot like using a dentist's drill on your own teeth. If you have some skill at it, and you use it right, then it can be a very good tool and you can end up with a big healthy smile on your face. If you use it wrong then you can cause yourself a lot of pain and end up with a rotten taste in your mouth.


Beyond Business | Humour | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #315

by Rick Baker
On Sep 30, 2011
Sales Tweet #315 "If you don't execute your ideas, they die." Roger Von Oech
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
That’s an oxymoronic or at least paradoxical ifferism…ie, it is an aphorism that begins with ‘if’. An aphorism is an original thought expressed concisely in a memorable way….memorable wisdom. [that's an 8-word example of how to hit a bunch of nuances in our wonderful English language...even though, I believe, it fails to meet the rules of proper grammar]


Beyond Business | Humour | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweets #307

by Rick Baker
On Sep 20, 2011
Sales Tweet #307 “If you haven't struck oil in the first three minutes, stop boring!” George Jessel
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Speaking of boring….did you hear the one about the termite who strolled into a pub, walked up to the counter, and asked “Is the bar tender here?”


Humour | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.