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Some Questions about DELIVERS

by Rick Baker
On Jan 13, 2012

The most-successful leaders take regular time outs to ask themselves tough questions.

The main reason they ask themselves questions is to better understand how well they are performing as leaders.

And the  most-successful leaders write out the answers to these questions so they do not have to rely 100% on their memories when they perform periodic reviews of their leadership performance.

What sorts of questions do the most-successful leaders ask themselves?

Answer: here is a sampling of...

Some Questions about DELIVERS

Are my people making better choices than the choices my competitors are making? [Discipline]

Are my people expending their energies in constructive ways? [Energy]

Are my people learning from their mistakes? [Learning]

Do I really know what motivates my people? [Intention]

During a typical workday, what percentage of the time are my people focusing on business? [Vigilance]

Do I understand what my people are trying to communicate to me? [Empathy]

Do my people believe they will achieve their business goals? [Resolve]

How often do my people deliver near-perfect performance? [Strengths]

Do you have what it takes to DELIVERS?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 28, 2011

Recently, I was listening to an audio book about 'Courage'. When the audio used the words 'Vigilance' and 'Intention', I wrote those two words in my notepad - one below the other. For some reason, I felt the need to add the word 'Learning' to the bottom of the list. With this done, the sheet in my note pad contained:




I like lists and memory tools. When I see lists like this the first letters of the words jump out at me. The first letters of these 3 words caught my attention. While the natural order [top-down] of the first letters of these 3 words was well on its way to spelling the word 'VILE', I read them from the bottom up and saw the word 'LIVE'. And, that's when the word 'Energy' jumped into my mind. So, I reversed the order of the 3 words and added 'Energy' to the bottom of the list:





That was the start of a little list of important words for business people. But, too much was missing. For example, when it comes to business 'Discipline' and 'Strengths' are of about equal importance. One cannot thrive and deliver advantage without the other. I wanted to add both 'Discipline' and 'Strengths' to the list...and the first letters of these two words did not lend themselves to simple addition. If I was going to create a 'memory tool', I needed more words with just the right letters to deliver an important, concise, and memory-friendly message.

On the other hand, this isn't something you can force...at least, I cannot force it. Either words arrive and fit or they don't.

I allowed this to simmer for a few days.

And a few words came to me.

Here is where I ended up.

This list DELIVERS 8 Success Ingredients:

Discipline: knowing the choices are many and knowing the better and best choices are not so many

Energy: recognizing energy is the source of all growth and change, including that of attitude

Learning: viewing life as a long-term school of experiencing and discovering how to avoid hard-knocks

Intention: allowing wisdom, judgment, and volition to guide both thoughts and actions

Vigilance: focusing attention and observing, while keeping personal biases under control

Empathy: being able to understand other people, engage them, and build upon their differences

Resolve: fixing sights on a purpose and having faith about getting to that end point

Strengths: drawing on talent to consistently deliver near-perfect performance


Do you have what it takes to DELIVERS?



We have a 1-Page Tool, which helps people DELIVERS


1-Page Tools | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

Strengths & Weaknesses

by Rick Baker
On Dec 7, 2011

The great Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Our strength grows out of our weaknesses".

Ralph Waldo Emerson isn't a fellow I would want to debate. Well...let me re-state that. Actually, I would love the opportunity to exchange ideas with Emerson even if the only way to do it was debating him. And, I recognize the likelihood of me winning a debate with Emerson would be pretty close to absolute zero.

I know...more information than you needed...I could not help myself because I rarely disagree with the wisdom Ralph Waldo Emerson put to paper.

...back to the topic of Strengths and weaknesses.

Specifically, I am writing about Strengths and weaknesses people exhibit in workplaces...this is about business.

Speaking about my personal experiences and my observations of other people, I do not believe people's strengths grow out of weaknesses. I like the way the folks at and from the Gallup organization described the source of people's strengths: natural talent themes + specialized, pertinent knowledge + skills development = Strengths, where Strength is the ability to perform actions nearly perfectly almost all the time. [I have written, in some detail, about Strengths.]

The starting point for a person's Strengths is inborn, natural talent.

For the vast majority of people, Strengths are due to innate talents coupled with a lot of hard work.


That is not to say it is impossible to move from what we perceive as weakness to what we perceive as strength. Perhaps, Helen Keller illustrated this best. Helen Keller was born deaf and blind. She overcame these 'weaknesses' to be the first deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor's Degree. She authored many books. And, she served as an inspiration to millions of people. 

Even still, it is difficult for me to agree with Emerson, "Our strength grows out of our weaknesses".

When I think of Helen Keller, I think "People can do amazing things despite what other people perceive to be weaknesses". And, I think, "Embedded in Helen Keller, deeper than those perceived weaknesses of deafness and blindness, was some innate gift of talent...perhaps it was  - LEARNER". Clearly, Helen Keller also had an amazing desire to ACHIEVE.

Our Strength can grow despite our weaknesses.

Nobody can argue with that!

The Master Rules - Part 2

by Rick Baker
On Dec 2, 2011

Part 1 of The Master Rules can be summed up just the way my 2nd boss taught it to me: He who carries the gold makes the rules.

Part 2 of The Master Rules is about the importance of setting over-riding rules to help people understand:

  1. HOW things are to be done and
  2. HOW & WHAT the Right Things means when it is used in that admonition `Do the Right Things` and other admonitions like `Managing is about doing things right - Leadership is about doing the Right Things`.
The Master Rules are simple, clear, top-down Rules.
The Master Rules reflect the core values of the business leader. 
Every successful business has a culture, wrapped around high-quality core Values.
At successful businesses, those core Values act like an internal compass, which helps keep People comfortable. That comfort derives from the fact People feel - not just think, People feel - comfortable about their Actions and about their Situations.
When People feel comfortable and guided their action is offered with more enthusiasm and their performance is more productive. And, business is more successful.
The purpose of The Master Rules is to provide the guidance which sets the stage for People comfort and People Action.
Here is one example, close to our own hearts.
One of Spirited Leaders` Values is Labours of Enjoyment & Enthusiasm. At Spirited Leaders, we want our People to at least enjoy their work. We know People who enjoy their work perform more and better Actions. We also know enjoyment precedes enthusiasm. When People enjoy Actions they are much more likely to be enthusiastic about repeating those Actions. We also know the feeling of enjoyment is closely linked to personal strengths: when personal strengths are engaged People feel good.
One of Spirited Leaders` Master Rules is Embrace Strengths! When People know one another`s personal  strengths and then work in harmony to put those different personal strengths to best use the likelihood of Labours of Enjoyment & Enthusiasm increases. That is one example of how our Master Rules mesh with our Values
At a prior Thought Post we explained Commander`s Intent underpinning Goals. The Master Rules are conceptually similar to Commander`s Intent...that`s a topic for another day.

What are your Intentions?

by Rick Baker
On Nov 1, 2011
Intention may be one of the most underrated forces.
I recently listened to a CD where Deepak Chopra said: Intention has organizational power…in a way; Intention is the most powerful force in the universe.
If that is even partially true then, definitely, Intention is one of the most underrated forces.
Intention is closely linked to Inspiration.
When I use the word Intention, I mean – ‘a determination to act in a certain way’.
When I use the word Inspiration, I mean – ‘a power to influence emotions and move action’.
Putting that together…
Be determined to act in certain ways and that will give you the power to influence emotions and move action…your emotions and actions – and – the emotions and actions of other people.
Be determined to act in a certain way.
What way is that? [you might ask]
Seems to me the choices are unlimited! [you might think as you ask]
True - the choices are unlimited.
So – we need to figure out a way to do this sort of exercise quickly…before we get bored or annoyed or distracted by easier and perhaps more immediately-rewarding things.
Get a piece of paper and write across the top:
Actions I Do at Work
Draw a line down the middle of the page
On one side of the line write Feel Good when I do them and on the other side of the line write Do Not Feel Good when I do them.
Then, think about the actions you do at work… consider the specific actions you take as you perform tasks. Think of the specific actions you take as you interact with other people. Think of the specific actions you take when you are working on your business goals. Think of 30 or so specific actions.
Write those actions on the page…on one side or the other.
Now, circle the actions you believe contribute to you work goals.
Take a close look at the actions you have circled on the side of the page titled ‘I Feel Good when I do them’.
Focus on these actions as you begin to plan how you will be determined to act in certain ways that will give you the power to influence emotions and move action…your emotions and actions – and – the emotions and actions of other people.
That’s a good 1st step toward acting with Intent and acting to Inspire.
Actions I Do at Work
I Feel Good when I do them

I Do Not Feel Good when I do them

Getting the right people on your bus

by Rick Baker
On Oct 18, 2011
Ten years ago, Jim Collins wrote about getting the right people on the bus.
And, business people and business teachers have been talking about getting the right people on the bus ever since.
Many of the business people who talk about getting the right people on the bus struggle to get that done.
Specifically, many business people struggle with:
  • Repositioning and removing the wrong [existing] people from their business bus
  • Attracting and hiring the right [new] people for their business bus
We see evidence of this pretty much daily.
It bothers us. It bothers us because we know many people suffer when people don’t fit on the business bus.
It is not a matter of who is right and who is wrong.
For some people, the use of the words ‘getting the right people on the bus’ compounds their problems.
It is not a matter of who is right and who is wrong!
Who is right and who is wrong is subjective…just ask anyone or everyone! The more people you ask the more subjectivity you will discover.
Rather than dwelling on who is right and who is wrong, business leaders should dwell on 2 things:
  1. Character Differences…particularly, the interplay between individual’s egos
  2. Individual’s Talents…particularly, the extent individual’s talents deliver value to the business
For each of these major areas, we will provide a few thoughts… the tips of icebergs. And, please, think of these 2 major areas as icebergs. If you spend some time then you can understand what exists at the surface. However, it will be much more difficult to understand what lies below the surface. Most people have not taken the time to understand their own character. Many people are uncomfortable with the topic…so it must be addressed with at least a bit of empathy. Similarly, most people have not taken the time to understand their business strengths. Many people will be able to describe success stories; however, they will have much more difficulty accurately describing the roots of their successes.
Character Differences
At the time of hiring or working at stuff that may result in de-hiring, consider several questions. As examples:
  • Will these egos be under control?
  • What are the major differences in character?
  • What personal ‘rules’ caused these differences in character?
  • When push comes to shove and those personal ‘rules’ are tested…what conflicts and dis-ease do you anticipate?
  • Will those anticipated conflicts and dis-eases be tolerable?
Individual’s Strengths
At the time of hiring or working at stuff that may result in de-hiring, consider several questions. As examples:
  • How do you define strength of character?
  • What tasks/actions are critical at your business and what talents/strengths must an individual have to repeatedly do those tasks/actions in at least a very good way…hopefully, in a near-perfect way?
And –
How do you set the balance between Character and Strengths?
Will task & action Strengths outmuscle weak Character?


Personalities @ Work | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.