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Leaders do best when it is clear they have sacred rules, which we call “The Master Rules”.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 11, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Master Rules: these are rules set by the Leader and well-communicated by the Leader to all followers.

The Master Rules must not be bent. And, if they are broken then the consequences are clear and enforced. The Master Rules must capture the essence of the Leader’s Personal Values, mesh with the Leader’s Strengths, and serve as clear directions towards the Leader's Vivid Vision. 

3 abilities rise above all others: intelligence, willpower, & drive

by Rick Baker
On Nov 20, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet 

Every human being possesses the seeds of intelligence, willpower, and drive at birth. To a certain degree, and the degree varies from person to person, we develop these three abilities over time. The amount of intelligence and willpower we develop determines the extent we are able to express our strengths. Drive is all about putting energy to productive use...drive is innate...intelligence and willpower protect drive from negative influences [...both intrinsic and extrinsic negative influences].


An ideal way to help people: show them how to 'disentangle' the energy and power they, naturally, possess.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 19, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Energy & Natural Talent: 2 things we all possess.

But,  we rarely experience people helping us put those 2 things to best use.

Be the exception...help people disentangle the energy wrapped around their Talents.


About Influencing Powerful People - #3

by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2020

Talking About Influencing Powerful People - here's another Dirk Schlimm quote:

“What makes these geniuses so powerful is not ground-level expertise or vision. It is the fact that they have both; they are equally capable of and comfortable with micromanaging and dreaming up a large-scale, big-picture vision.”

Sales people should select heroes, learn from them, and emulate their talents & strengths.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 8, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I see better ways of approaching Sales.

For example...

Sales people can and should learn from ‘heroes’...as many as possible. First, ask the question – Is this person a hero worth studying? Consider - WHY is this person a hero? Because of vision?, goals? resilience? quick wit? personal magnetism? Then learn the details about those person's most-admirable qualities/strengths, select specific stories that capture the admirable qualities, carry those stories in mind, and draw upon them when the going gets tough. 


Hero Worship | Sales | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Talents tend to bounce off Tasks they do not like.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 2, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Consider Talents. Consider Tasks

Don't fight the fit.


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.