by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2020
Talking About Influencing Powerful People - here's another Dirk Schlimm quote:
“What makes these geniuses so powerful is not ground-level expertise or vision. It is the fact that they have both; they are equally capable of and comfortable with micromanaging and dreaming up a large-scale, big-picture vision.”
by Rick Baker
On Nov 8, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
I see better ways of approaching Sales.
For example...
Sales people can and should learn from ‘heroes’ many as possible. First, ask the question – Is this person a hero worth studying? Consider - WHY is this person a hero? Because of vision?, goals? resilience? quick wit? personal magnetism? Then learn the details about those person's most-admirable qualities/strengths, select specific stories that capture the admirable qualities, carry those stories in mind, and draw upon them when the going gets tough.
by Rick Baker
On Nov 2, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
Consider Talents. Consider Tasks.
Don't fight the fit.