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A successful Sense of Urgency: that's doing things promptly when you know the right things to do and you know how to do them well.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Anything shy of this isn't a successful sense of urgency.

Anything shy of this is guesswork, bad planning, or fighting phantom fires.

Anything shy of this is pretty much guaranteed to annoy everyone you drag into your situations.

Some people become problem magnets...attracting a never-ending series of similar problems.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 18, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Many of us don't see the problems coming let alone see we are the specialists who create them.

For some people - problems get totally out of control...arriving one after another...time after time after time.

Some people cannot get out of their 'problem ruts'. They need help removing bad habits. They need the benefits found in other people's talents & strengths. 



Everyone wants to use personal strengths to create value and see others showing appreciation of that value.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 8, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Now, I suppose a few people do their best work and have no expectation that it will be appreciated by others. If those people do exist then they are extremely rare indeed. 

Most people have egos and egos have needs. Egos are the essence of needs and needs are the essence of egos. And, needs have internal and external implications.

more thoughts on this topic


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Perfectionists show us how natural talents can create bad habits that out-muscle willpower.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 5, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Attention to Detail is a valuable leadership tool...unless it takes over its owner.

Too much of a Good Habit = a Bad Habit.

And, that's how the Devil lurks in the details.

Learning from practice makes perfect - Learning is the essence of mastery.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 26, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

There's an old saying, "Practice makes perfect".

There's a newer saying, "Perfect practice makes perfect".

And I say, "Learning from practice makes perfect".

STRENGTH at task = mastery of task = perfect performance of task.

STRENGTH = Innate Talent + Opportunity + Specialized Knowledge + Practised Skill...and the practice is required because few get it perfect without practicing.

During practice, people err. As they err, smart people learn and make adjustments so their skills improve. With many errors under their belts, persistent people learn how to master tasks.

"Learning from practice makes perfect."

Learning is the essence of perfection & mastery.


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Don't muddle through the same old problems. Engage Talents and address new, more-lucrative problems.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 5, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people muddle thought the same old business problems - day after day. [Often, 'people problems'.] These people experience stress and confusion but not success.

Some people learn how to solve the basic problems. And, these people graduate to bigger and better problems...and success.


Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

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