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You cannot force a round talent into a square task.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 2, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape." 

Mark Twain


Too often we focus on roles as if they are a singular or homogeneous thing. We do better when we treat roles as a package of different tasks, some stand-alone tasks, some interpersonal tasks. People succeed in roles when their talents and strengths mesh with the tasks in the roles. [and, of course, the people have an achievement-oriented attitude]


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Self-discipline brings out the value embedded in talent.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 24, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet 

When discipline is absent Talent is dormant, submerged, and wasted.

That's why discipline is a good thing.

Discipline serves a key role when success is in action.


Beyond Business | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

The Value of putting individual’s Talents & Strengths to work [at work]

by Rick Baker
On Aug 2, 2020

Overall, the value of strengths-based business can be summed up in terms of increased engagement and improved motivation, which leads to increased profit.


Here’s the logic…and the related emotional connections:

1.    People are interested in understanding their natural talents…we see this in their faces and we hear it in their stories when we sit with them to discuss their Top 5 Talent Themes.

2.    People want to use their natural talents…again, starting with our first 1-on-1 meeting, we observe enthusiasm when people talk about their talents; we also observe frustration when they talk about their work-failures and work-troubles.  

3.    Work-tasks can be tweaked to align better with a person's natural talents…this concept catches people’s attention; everyone we have interviewed wants to give this a try [many have doubts and want to see proof, however, all are prepared to give it a try].  

4.    When work-tasks are tweaked to align with individuals’ natural talents the individuals perform better – improved effectiveness…when people know they are being more effective they gain self-confidence – as self-confidence rises people are more comfortable with work and with ‘change’.

5.    When individuals know their organization is building a strengths-based business they – especially, the most-talented individuals -  create efficiencies, leading by example:

 ·        measureable efficiencies, such as lower staff turnover rates, and

·        common-sense efficiencies such as less time wasted complaining.

 …leading performers tend to have strong personalities, which reflect their character – the visible result of their innate talents, values, and desires; leading performers become fully engaged when they know their strengths are recognized.

6.    When individuals know their organization is building a strengths-based business they help the organization create a culture of self-motivationwhen individuals’ talents are put to use they find it much easier to bring a smile to work – each smile is a reflection of confidence backed by natural talents.



     Natural Talent

+     Opportunity

+     Knowledge

Practised Skills



STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

Focusing on people's strengths helps them feel more engaged & motivated, which leads to increased profit.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 22, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

How does that lead to more profit?

If you can help people feel more engaged and motivated about their work, then:

  • they are interested, so they concentrate better and make fewer errors,
  • they are happier and have less interpersonal conflicts,
  • they are happier and there is less staff turnover,
  • they are more able to face challenges and embrace change.

All of these things lead to increased profit.

[and these are just a few examples of how strengths-based business leads to increased profit]


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Up-skill the hands that use your finest business tools; make master craftsmanship a top priority.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 7, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

  1. Failure isn't caused by lack of talent, it's caused by discouraged thoughts and words.
  2. Practice makes perfect.
  3. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. 
  4. Strength = Talent + Opportunity + Focused Knowledge + Skill through practice.


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Work performances are mirrored in work feelings. Work feelings are windows to Talents & Strengths.

by Rick Baker
On Jul 4, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As a rule, you don't see happy faces when people are struggling with their work.

As a rule, you don't see unhappy faces when people are doing a good job.

When put to good use, personal talents & strengths generate two things: positive body language and quality work results. 

Abraham Lincoln

"Every man is proud of what he does well; and no man is proud of what he does not do well. With the former, his heart is in his work; and he will do twice as much of it with less fatigue. The latter performs a little imperfectly, looks at it in disgust, turns from it, and imagines himself exceedingly tired. The little he has done, comes to nothing, for want of finishing."




Emotions & Feelings @ Work | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

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