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Thought Tweet #647

by Rick Baker
On Jan 8, 2013

Thought Tweet #647 Creativity is like a good sauce - you have to boil it down before it has the flavour.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

This is about one aspect of Seeking Simple!



Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #643

by Rick Baker
On Jan 2, 2013

Thought Tweet #643 It seems you can build a business on very complex things and on very simple things, but not in-between.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Simple things, especially those that touch the emotions, form the foundation of many successful businesses - from your favourite local diner and your favourite hair stylist to pet rocks

Complex things amaze us, especially the early adopters. Say no more than 'Apple products'. Or, consider the impact special effects have on the movies and the entertainment sector.


Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #546

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2012

Thought Tweet #546 Remove office and desk clutter - reduce stress & increase clear thinking.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

  1. "Thought Tweet #468 There's no question: unfinished business gnaws away at brain-energy.
  2. A link to articles on this topic
  3. A link to articles on a related/overlapping topic - Seeking Simple
  4. "Look around your environment. If your environment looks cluttered, overloaded, your nervous system probably is too. There seems to be a magic in decluttering, simplifying." Steven Gurgevich, 'Relieve Stress with Medical Hypnosis', (2010)


Brain: about the Human Brain | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #503

by Rick Baker
On Jun 20, 2012

Thought Tweet #503 Work-process needs to be simple & usable, systematic & clear, & properly communicated. Otherwise, it will not be catchy.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As the discipline of hierarchy has changed with the times, so must work process.



Change: Creating Positive Change | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

Thought Post #490

by Rick Baker
On Jun 1, 2012

Thought Tweet #490 Recipe for Complication: mix up a few simple things, set basic courtesy aside, and watch people get heated up.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When we do simple things right we pave smoother paths. When we are courteous or at least civil with others we pave smoother paths. When we do not do these things we should expect a rough road ahead.


Humour | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

Here's a way to develop better judgment

by Rick Baker
On May 31, 2012

Reduce the number of mistakes you make.

If you write out simple procedures and follow them when you do repetitive, boring-but-important tasks then you will make fewer errors. When you make fewer errors you will spend less time fixing errors. When you spend less time fixing errors you will have more time to spend thinking about your difficult challenges, which require judgment. When you spend more time thinking about your difficult challenges, which require judgment, you will make better decisions. 

This process will grow, over time, into the good habit - better judgment.

Does that come across as a rather weak or trite piece of advice...as in, "that goes without saying"?

If so then perhaps a little self-test will convince you of the value in the advice.

For a few days:

  1. Track how much time you spend fixing errors, either your own or someone else's, either technical/process or interpersonal/process and
  2. Track how much time you spend thinking strategically, weighing various options in your mind, comparing pros and cons then selecting the best course of action

Then you will understand the hidden value in simple technical and interpersonal procedures performed well: judgment is enhanced by procedures.



Link to Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.