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Thought Tweet #962

by Rick Baker
On Mar 25, 2014

Thought Tweet #962 Why not set up some self-hurdles that make it real tough to jump to conclusions. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

...unless you can think of a better way.


About Perfectionists

by Rick Baker
On Mar 3, 2014

Wouldn’t it be interesting if perfectionists would allow us to walk step-by-step with them as they perform their perfectionist role.

When they are being the perfectionist - do they think much, or are they simply compelled to do...and do...and do?

When perfectionists think, is their thinking confined to ruts where thoughts keep repeating while actions are stalled?

When perfectionists think, what are they thinking? Are their thoughts like those of non-perfectionists except more textured or broader in scope? Or are perfectionists' thoughts nonsensical or scattered or bizarre? 

To what extent are perfectionists’ thoughts being dragged along by feelings of need or worry or criticism? Are perfectionists' thoughts always dragged along by negative feelings? Or, are perfectionists' thoughts sometimes laced with positive feelings...or mania?

To what degree are perfectionists driven to create? Is perfectionist-behaviour aligned with building value or is it simply driven by an extra-strong interest in doing things right?

Perhaps an in-depth understanding of perfectionists’ mindsets and thought processes would put us in a much better position to help them…assuming they need, want, and are ready to accept our help.


Is perfectionism in business a dysfunction by its very name?

Is perfectionism a dysfunction that a leader simply cannot ignore...a signal that corrective action is a must?

In business, doing things right is a good thing. Like everything in business, there are costs associated with doing things right...at the least, there are the costs of time spent. And, perfectionists overspend their time. Others know this. That's likely how the label 'perfectionist' came about in the first place. So, perfectionists are inclined to spend too much time on things as they work to do those things the right way. That sounds conflicted.

Where does perfectionism end and indecision start?

Or - do these 2 things overlap?

Or - is perfectionism an exaggerated form of indecision...one destined to to thwart both good decisions and delegation? 

Questioned another way...

Is perfectionism the antidote for decisiveness?

If so, as we work at doing things right in business, can indecision help us achieve better results?


Gut Feel: Insight...or just hunger and bad habits?

by Rick Baker
On Feb 27, 2014

Gut Feel: that's when you have a very strong feeling that isn't backed by logic...like an instinct...a special gift arriving as an insight or intuition

Lots of advice about gut feel...

  • it's the true key to success
  • the gift of the creative and the entrepreneurial
  • an overrated and flawed phenomenon
  • something that's likely to get you into trouble
So, what should you do? Should you follow your gut feel? Should you be wary of it? Should you pick and choose when to follow and when to ignore your gut feel? If that's best then how do you go about doing that?

Some time ago, we spent time defining emotions

Emotions, the way we define them, provide a clue on how to deal with gut feel.

In summary, emotions are natural protective mechanisms - built-in genetic mechanisms. They are warning signals. They happen quickly and unconsciously. After they arrive, thoughts follow...either negative thoughts or positive thoughts...stronger rather than weaker thoughts. 

If a gut feel is flavoured with emotion then we need to step back and think about why this is happening before we follow the gut feel. Intuition and insight do not have to be flavoured by emotion. Intuition and insight can happen without emotion. So, when we have a special insight or intuition we need to consider whether or not it is coupled with emotion. 

If the gut feel is coupled with emotion then it could be:
  • A Hunger - simply put, it might only be something you crave. If your special insight or intuition is crave-based then you are likely to ignore facts, refuse intelligent input, and make decision errors.
  • A Bad Habit - ask yourself if this gut feel is aligned with your long-term goals. If it is not then it is wrapped up in bad habit.
  • A Gift of Insight and Intuition - however, that will be a rarity.
On the other hand, if your gut feel is coupled with feeling rather than emotion then give it some quality attention. It may be true intuition or true insight. Then you will want to heed it and let it add to your life.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

Fragility & Thinking Ahead

by Rick Baker
On Feb 21, 2014

Sometimes our senses utterly fail us when bad news arrives at our doorstep, disrupting our busy lives. And, so, blind and deaf and otherwise oblivious, our feet and brains plod on in their deep ruts.

Seeing others scurrying around, frazzled and strained, we wonder, perhaps even with a bit of amusement but with little depth or duration, about their puzzling predicaments.

Then, without the least bit of forewarning, so much to our exclamation, the boom lowers harshly on us, turning everything upside down. 


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

Thought Tweet #940

by Rick Baker
On Feb 21, 2014

Thought Tweet #940 Don't underestimate what other people don't know.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Everyone knows a lot of stuff.

But...or...Then...there's an immeasurable amount of stuff that can be known.

Everyone has filled their brains with lots of stuff from an unlimited pool of information. Some of the head-fill is planned and intentional; much of the head-fill happens without conscious effort. And again, the pool of head-fill information is enormous in size...immeasurable.

So, while everyone has much in their heads the overlap between yours and theirs may be much smaller than you think.

Don't underestimate what other people don't know.


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets

When differences were settled with cannons

by Rick Baker
On Feb 18, 2014

In the old sea-days, differences of interests were settled ...

  1. You are the captain of your ship
  2. You know your interests and the interests of your ship
  3. You see his ship and you believe his interests do not align with yours
  4. You clarify your interests and display your cannons for him to see
  5. Still, you and he do not see eye to eye
  6. Your cannons shoot across his bow
  7. A battle ensues
  8. You board his ship
  9. He agrees to your terms 
  10. His ship has a new captain

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