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Thought Tweet #427

by Rick Baker
On Mar 6, 2012

Thought Tweet #427 How do you find the proper balance between 'free' & 'disciplined' thinking?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Creativity versus Logic. Entrepreneurship versus Big Business. Rock Logic versus Water Logic. Einstein versus Socrates. The School of Hard Knocks versus Academia. Right-brain versus Left-brain [which I think is a dangerous over-simplification of how the human brain actually works].

Regardless of how we define their difference we need to keep these opposites in proper balance.

How do you find the proper balance between 'free' & 'disciplined' thinking?


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #411

by Rick Baker
On Feb 13, 2012

Thought Tweet #411 Persistence is Self-Discipline in Thought then Action.


The Thinking Behind the Tweet

Brian Tracy said, "Persistence is self-discipline in action." I believe desired Actions are always preceded by desired Thoughts. In order to achieve Goals we must first discipline our Thoughts then those disciplined Thoughts will govern our Actions.


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets | Values: Personal Values

Thought Tweet #393

by Rick Baker
On Jan 18, 2012
Thought Tweet #393 “No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical.”
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
The Danish physicist, Niels Bohr, said that. And, Bohr's point applies in business. In business, we often hear people talk about 'doing the right things' as opposed to 'doing things right'. 'Doing things right' is all about doing process 'right'…doing a good job when performing logically-generated processes. 'Doing the right things' is about dealing with people 'right'...doing a good job when working with people.


Hero Worship | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets

BHAGs ain’t for everyone!

by Rick Baker
On Apr 20, 2011

The graph below shows the way Goals and Self-Esteem are correlated.


Moving from left to right along the curve, the key points are:

  1. When Self-esteem is low it is difficult to set goals...so Goals, if any, are weak and don’t cut it
  2. When Goals are weak and they don’t ‘test the mettle’ Self-esteem tends to suffer and drop
  3. When Self-esteem is ‘normal’ people are comfortable setting Goals [some thrive on it]
  4. When Self-esteem is ‘normal’ it tends to increase with the challenge of the Goals
  5. When Self-esteem is at a peak Goals can be challenging…they can be ’stretch’ Goals
  6. When Goals become too challenging Self-esteem starts to drop, sometimes it plummets
  7. When Goals become unrealistic Self-esteem can quickly drop below ‘normal’ levels…and stay there
  8. BHAGs ain’t for everyone!



Conclusion: the concepts of success-consciousness are not for everyone. For many, it is better to set short-term stretch Goals, encouraging the use of  S.M.A.R.T. goals than to use that ‘word’ BHAG.


Entrepreneur Thinking | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

Sales Tweet #189

by Rick Baker
On Apr 7, 2011
Sales Tweet # 189 We must be able to think when we want to but be able to set thinking aside, at least, when we need to.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
It seems to me this is the way to blend the wisdom of Napoleon Hill ['Think and Grow Rich', for example] with the wisdom of Eckhart Tolle [‘The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment’, for example].


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #172

by Rick Baker
On Mar 15, 2011
Sales Tweet #172 Only two things stand between you and Success: thinking and working.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
What a great combination: thinking-working, thinking-working, thinking-working…"Plan your work and work your plan" [Napoleon Hill]


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich | Thought Tweets

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