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P=2S+O© - #8

by Rick Baker
On Nov 26, 2009
For every Problem, there are at least 2 Solutions and there may also be some hidden Opportunities.
Link to P=2S+O worksheet/template.
[click to download]
Experts tell us we have thousands of thoughts every day. Perhaps, on average, our thoughts arrive every 10 seconds.
Of this large number of thoughts, coming to our minds every day, we categorize some as problems…problem-thoughts.
Some of these problem-thoughts happen once or twice and are forgotten while others keep coming back until we find ourselves thinking, “Something should be done about this”.
When this happens to me, that’s when I step back and say..."How do I turn this P (Problem-thing that just keeps popping into my mind) into at least a couple of S's (Solutions) and at least one O (Opportunity)?"
I work at that.
As you have seen, I call the process P=2S+O.
I’m not as good as I’d like to be at initiating P=2S+O.
Sometimes I find myself being annoyed by a persistent thought…I mean I catch myself being annoyed yet inactive. [I see this as a bad habit.] Then, something clicks in and I realize I am annoyed because the thought is a problem-thought and it probably will keep annoying me until I replace it with some ideas about Solutions and Opportunities.
At that point, the good habit P=2S+O begins to replace the bad habit being annoyed by a problem-thought.
I'm not as good as I'd like to be at generating immediate Solutions. I wish I could say, “Much to my surprise…I catch myself being lazy and procrastinating”. But, that wouldn’t be accurate because I have caught myself far too many times to use the word ‘surprise’. However, I am getting better. I keep a laminated copy of the P=2S+O template/worksheet close by…as a reminder. And I keep several paper copies of it on hand so I can fill them out on the spot. Also, I have a neat little web-based tool with me at all times…which removes any excuse for not doing P=2S+O.
If you are interested in learning more about the web-based tool then please email me at [email protected]
I have developed an ability to be very open/receptive to Opportunities. Opportunities tend to pop into my mind very regularly.
So, for me, P=2S+O is working well….and it is becoming a good habit.
I will be thrilled to learn it works as well for you….so please, let me know.
my next blog will introduce a new topic - Leading With Revenue... 


Solutions & Opportunities

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