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More about breeding passion at our workplaces

by Rick Baker
On Aug 11, 2010
We should reduce and control negative thinking and negative action. If we make it clear we are working to stamp out negativity then that will help breed passion at our workplaces.
As we stamp out negativity we will promote self-control and consideration of others. These are good things.
Why should we make conscious efforts to stamp out negativity?
Our performance is the consequence of our thoughts and actions...or the lack of them. And, human nature is such that negative thoughts and negative actions are often more powerful and more contagious than their positive counterparts.
When the contagion of negative thought or negative action enters the situation it has the ability to immediately affect and infect each person in the situation. Body language and voice tone, for example, register immediately. Many people are under-equipped to resist the contagion of negativity. And, many people have difficulty coping with negative situations.
Even if the people 'in the situation' have thick enough skin to resist the contagions, negative thoughts and negative actions tend to stall others and create the need for follow up by others. The 'stalls' may be as small as wondering why so-and-so is in such a bad mood today. The 'actions' may be as large as drawn-out slugfest battles. These workplace ‘stalls’ are inefficient. Inefficiency costs money.
So, there is an economic argument to support the reduction and control of negativity.
In addition there is the benefit of paving the path for workplace passion. If cost control is our desire then we need to work hard at keeping our thoughts and actions on the positive side of centre.
If passion for success is our desire then we need to work hard at keeping our thoughts and actions on the positive side of centre.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Change: Creating Positive Change

Comments (2) -

Angeliki Coconi United Kingdom
8/16/2010 8:47:54 AM #

Yes! Stamp out negativity, NOW!!

7/3/2012 12:24:06 AM #

If passion for success is our desire then we need to work hard at keeping our thoughts and actions on the positive side of centre.

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