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New People = Opportunities

by Rick Baker
On Nov 4, 2010
We have a few ways of thinking about those ringing phones, those buzzing emails, those stacks of incoming paper.
The first thought that crosses our mind can be: I am too busy.
Or, the first thought can be: Here come some New Things laced with Opportunities.
From time to time I remember the lesson taught in a sales management course, several years ago…when I was a young sales manager.
The lesson went like this:
  • Sales Manager “A” receives 20 customer phone calls a day, cringes every time these customers call to complain about product problems, sales staff problems, delivery problems, etc. Sales Manager “A” can not wait to get home at the end of the day. Sales Manager “A” can barely manage to get out of bed in the morning and come into work.
  • Sales manager “B” also receives 20 customer phone calls a day. Yet, Sales Manager “B” enjoys a dream job…loves to come into work, hates to leave, etc.
The instructor then asked,
“Why is Sales Manager “B” doing so much better than Sales Manager “A”?”
Totally stumped me…
How could that Sales Manager “B” possibly enjoy all those days on the phone dealing with all those complaining customers? [I knew I didn’t enjoy it.]
  • Sales Manager “B” had some innate problem-solving gift?
  • Sales Manager “B” had some problem-solving tool like P=2S+O?
  • Sales Manager “B” had some other trick up a sleeve?
“No”, explained our sales instructor, the customers of Sales Manager “B” were calling to compliment Company “B” on the amazing performance of its sales force.
I often think of this lesson when I see a stranger’s email address in my Email Inbox.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Leaders' Thoughts | Optimism & Pessimism

Comments (1) -

2/12/2012 7:04:31 PM #

"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming."

Richard Branson
British Entrepreneur, b1950

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