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Sales Tweet #83

by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2010
Sales Tweet #83 People pass lie detector tests 2 ways: telling the truth and lying while believing the test won't work.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
I am pleased to confirm I have no first-hand experience to prove this is a fact. I am basing that Sales Tweet on things experts have written.
Experts say…
• If one is telling the truth then one feels no fear. When one feels no fear a lie detector will not register any of the automatic physical reactions the body experiences in reaction to fear.
• If one does not believe the lie detector test will work then one experiences no fear so, again, the lie detector test registers no ‘fear reactions’.
What’s the point?
There are at least 3:
1. Belief is a powerful tool…as Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
2. The human body reacts automatically to situations – particularly, stressful situations. However, these automatic reactions can be controlled. There is no more astonishing example than the Navy SEAL example.
3. Obviously, lie detectors can provide a great deal of great fun…however; we recommend you experience them in places not called the ‘Interrogation Room’.


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